Merry Christmas, and Happy belated yule.

Dec 25, 2006 16:00

So Yule, and Christmas have come and gone. only another 364 days left to shop for next year....LOL.

I was woke this moring at 930 am by my mother, as she was all excited and wanted to get on to opening christmas gifts.....I would have been just as happy to stay in bed asleep until 1130 or so, but my pleas went un headed.....(She played Kenny and Dolly christmas music at top notch till I got out of bed.)...*rolls eyes*

I was in an unbelievable amount of pain this morning when I woke up....It seems My side is all lovely and swollen up considerably due to mystupid overy being a shit head, Its crazy to see how much something so little can get so corrupted. large  and sore and swollen....But I figured Ide much rather get up and be in pain, but  in silence, then stay in bed comfortable, and have to be  listening to Kenny and Dolly at surround sound levels.... So up I got and joined the parents festivities ( Even wood pecker got christmas Presents!)

Despite really not wanting to get out of my comfy warm bed, I got lots of nice things this year for christmas.  I had a very Asian and business inspired Christmas this year....I recieved a beautiful Japaneese tea set from the Gallants, and most of the clothes I recieved this year were business dress clothes for school.  I also got many useful things for the decoration of my alters.  (Japanese element clandles, Japaneese Shadow boxed fan, Meditation waterfall)   Pimp my alter beware ;)

and Janaya gave me some gorgeouse chopsticks, and a rubber duckie soap, she also made me a red moon pendant which I plan to dedicate as ritual jewelry :)  Thankyou guys :)

For Yule (21st) I got my witches datebook and clander, along with a Book on all the different demons and Vampire breeds which have been thought to have crossed this earth....(I found a Nelapsi and a Bruxsa!)   along with a gorgouse Dagger from Adam.  For xmas he gave me two belled sleeve shirts for school, a Relic wristwatch, royal saphire paint brushes, and a box full of Rubber duckies, and Rubber duck oriented things!  I also recieved A journal, business agenda, a huge 390 page slab of scrap booking paper, and a Embrodery table cloth (Ive been dying to buy)  from Adams variouse family members.....  In my Christmas Socks, both mom and Nana know Im a Lip gloss whore, so they both piled me up with variouse  lip glosses and bathroom necessities So I think Im set for the new year!

anyhow, its 302, and Adam said he was coming over about three, so I decided to get on here and Wish Everyone a Happy new year and such and kill time while I wait, Im not really sure what he thinks were gonna do for two hours until the dinner guests arrive, but Im sure we'll think of something....I spose Ill head off for now, Maybe Ill write more at a later date!  If I dont write until the new year, then HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

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