Turn and face the strange...

Aug 24, 2013 19:35

So the company I work for has been sold. We all keep our jobs - yippee!! And the new owner seems like a pretty on to it bloke.

In other good news, the dickface who is currently my boss has resigned, and his final day is Friday coming. One cannot express how much joy this news has brought! If he didn't show up this week it wouldn't be a loss to anyone.

In strange news - randomly googled 'leg shaking', as I've started getting the jitters in my legs again... I always thought it was a Vit B deficiency, low Iron levels or something. Did a bit of reading, and a survey thing - it's apparently likely that I have ADD. Would kinda make sense actually... When the weakness question has come up in interviews, I've always said that I can be easily distracted, and some of the questions in the survey were dead on. How does one go about getting an ADD diagnosis? Just walk into the doc and say hey, I think I've got ADD from this survey I did online?! My doc is pretty good - maybe an appt is in order. Will call Monday.

Back to bed me thinks - still not caught up on sleep I've missed this week from being out every night!

via ljapp

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