Oct 18, 2005 09:30
I'm sitting at my desk with a hell of a head cold, so I have that weird buzzing in my ears. It's kinda nice though since it drowns out the voices....LOL. Although I do hate visiting clients looking like Rudolph and sounding like I have a coke habit. Oh well first one of the season and I'm sure it won't be the last.
So last weekend was kind of low key. We spent the night at Mark's house on Friday since he still can't be alone. It was our turn in the rotation. :) He's doing tons better and actually had a lot of energy which is great. We went to Champps in Concord Mall and I still think the one in KOP is MUCH better. Then we went to World Market in Brandywine Town Center, very cool store. Also made a stop at Petsmart. We're trying to find an elevated food and water bowl for Brutus. Go figure when we didn't want one, we saw them everywhere and now we can't find one we like at all. *SIGH*
We went back to Mark's and just hung out and watched TV. I had bought some great beer earlier,(Troeg's Dopplebock....very good) so had a few of those then off to bed. Brutus was a little freaked out since were sleeping over but since Mark's is his "home away from home" he quickly settled in. I am amazed that at one point in our relationship, Mike and I used to sleep in a queen size bed, with TWO labs. Friday night in a queen size bed with a 55 pound boxer was painful! Guess we're spoiled with the king size at home.
So then we got up early and Mike and I had coffee out on the porch. Was a beautiful morning after all of the rain we've been having. Brutus spent most of the time trying to get the horses next door to play with him and as usual they were having none of it.
That afternoon, we headed home to cut the grass. Again after all the rain, I was beginning to feel like we were living on the prairie. Got a pizza Saturday night and both fell asleep on the couch. WOW...we are a married couple.
Sunday was a Costco run, and back home. So like I said a very low key weekend. Mike and I have been enjoying those a lot lately. I'm finding that even after 10 years, he is still my best friend.
We're supposed to go camping with my niece, her husband, and two kids this weekend, but I think we're going to stay local. I love my niece but it's getting kinda late in the year for two days out in the woods.
Oh and as a side note...to quote GG..."here we go again", testing the triad waters. We'll see what happens.
PS - I miss Dina. She has been in Italy for 10 days now. You know us boys can't be without the fag hag for this long. I'm going through withdrawal.