Catching up

Oct 26, 2021 16:27

I'm in a weird place at the moment, poised to head off to the theatre later and technically having done my hours for the day but knowing there's an email I probably want to read immediately due in this next hour or so. So I shall meme a bit while I'm waiting ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

kazzy_cee October 27 2021, 06:48:09 UTC
I hope you enjoyed the theatre. We went to a crowded cinema and people sat right next to us this week - I felt really odd about it and was not comfortable..... I suppose I'll get used to it again.

Jump suits don't suit anyone ....


brutti_ma_buoni October 27 2021, 21:02:50 UTC
It was really good. I've just priced in theatre as a risk, given that I'm being forced back to the office with all the tube travel that involves. But this one was good about covid certificates (not that you can't be jabbed and have it), so I feel moderately okay about their precautions. Also, the whole ventilation requirement is making theatres less unpleasantly hot!


thismaz October 27 2021, 06:52:42 UTC
I thought all kids who had the chance ate snow at some point or another.

I hope your evening at the theatre was enjoyable.


brutti_ma_buoni October 27 2021, 21:04:29 UTC
Given that kids will eat almost anything once, yep!

It was a good evening - though slightly saddened as the play had announced just yesterday it wasn't doing the expected run into January, but closing in late November. I think productions are still struggling, unless they are bulletproof favourites with brilliant reviews - which is fair enough, in terms of a personal risk assessment I guess. You want it to be worth your time.


curiouswombat October 27 2021, 08:13:53 UTC
We have vertical blinds on all the front windows - with heavy curtains as well :)

I had a jump suit in the 1980s - I was thinner then but I still hope there are no photos!

I hope it was a good night at the theatre.


brutti_ma_buoni October 27 2021, 21:12:42 UTC
Now that's thorough! It's interesting how people are with window coverings - twitter during Danish dramas is obsessed there are no curtains.

It was a very good night, thanks. One more tomorrow, and that's my lot for a while. But I have loved being able to get back to the theatre a bit.


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