Oh man. I wish the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin didn't still loom in my mental calendar. There's no reason (Englishly speaking) to regard this as the start of autumn/back to school. We have weeks of August yet. But fifteen years of Italian holidays as a kid mean 15 August comes with a certain melancholy, and not even the bank holiday to lighten it. (I think I've recommended
Mid-August Holiday to you before - a film title that only makes sense when you know about Ferragosto, though the film itself is much easier to get into).
6. What is the dumbest way you’ve injured yourself?
I once fell sideways off a high kerb in Chipping Camden on a wet Bank Holiday weekend while complaining about the parking situation and sprained my ankle badly enough to end the holiday right there. Also I once broke a finger getting a suitcase down from an overhead rack on a train, on my way to a Cotswolds wedding, with no idea of how to find medical help. I just hid it in the photos... (Really, the Cotswolds seem very dangerous to me. I've only been maybe four times, and look at my record.)
7. If you use libraries, what is the largest overdue fine you've ever had?
I do, and not much. A few days' fine is about £1.80, I don't think it's ever been more
8. When was the last time you did something for the first time?
I am going to adopt
thismaz's approach and say today I made gooseberry syrup to create a
Gooseberry Club. Two weeks ago I had Peruvian food for the first time (in a meal kit). Doing something radically different is far too long ago to count.
9. Which holiday is your favorite to decorate for?
I've seen so many people saying we only do Christmas here, so I am delighted to say I love decorating for lots of holidays and even randomly just for summer or autumn seasons. But my favourite is Easter - bright pale colours, delicate leaves, and a whole bunch of witches on broomsticks because random Swedish holdover.
10. What craft project do you want to do next?
I'm supposed to be doing some creative quilt squares and I'm failing entirely. Guilt is infinite.
11. Do you have any family members that you've never met?
Well, yes. Not living ones... oh, actually my cousin has a 2 month old baby who I've yet to meet, and another cousin has a fiance I think? But the ones I tend to think of are the ones I might just have met if we'd got organised - my mother's much older stepsisters, who mainly died in the 80s. They weren't close, but it seems weird to have sort of aunts I couldn't pick out of a line.
12. When it comes to friends, what's the biggest thing you have in common?
Liking to find stuff out. We usually have different views and enthusiasms, but we like to discover new things and expand our brains. Also, a weirdly high proportion of only children or oldest children, and left-handed people. Which is odd.
13. Did you ever hit anything while learning to drive?
Nope. Unless we count kerbs, which seems unrealistic.
14. Do you prefer bright colors, dark colors, or pastel colors?
Brights. Not necessarily on me, but I like to have something cheerful around.
15. How long have you lived with the person/people you currently live with?
Very much all my life, considering it's me. I've lived essentially alone for 15 years now.
16. What was the dumbest thing you ever did as a teenager?
17. Would you prefer hardwood flooring or carpet in your home?
18. What’s the most you’ll pay for a pair of shoes?
19. Which flower is your favorite?
20. Which season do you think is the prettiest?
21. What is the last thing you cooked?
22. If you could live in a fictional world, which would it be?
23. Where was the farthest you’ve ever traveled from home?
24. Have you ever slammed the door when you were mad?
25. How old were you when you met your first love?
26. Were your college years the best years of your life?
27. What’s the most relaxing thing you did today?
28. What do you usually drink with breakfast?
29. How many closets does your house have?
30. What year is your car?
31. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet?