Friday Five and meme for today

Jul 18, 2020 18:32

1. What's the difference between patience and procrastination?
I think this is pure dictionary definition. Patience is not being angsty about stuff that you don't control. Procrastination is postponing doing stuff that is within your control. Isn't it?

2. Have you ever forgotten an important date or event?
I'm sure I have, but nothing that sticks out hugely. The boyf and I are really inconsistent about celebrating our "anniversary" (getting together, not a formal thing). Some years it's a big deal and some years we hit about the third week of April and realise it's long past (late March). But I don't think that matters; we've never been out of and leaving one of us feeling rebuffed.

3. Do you become impatient when you have to wait in a long line?
No (thank goodness, lately). But I do get panicky if it's a snaking queue you can't get out of. I'm so glad of automated tills in supermarkets, though I know they are bad for employment. I used to have very regular panic attacks waiting in those queues for tills.

4. Do you want to accomplish many things in your life or do you want to take it easy?
I want to feel like what I do matters, but that doesn't mean ticking off a long list of career or personal achievements. It can be being a positive part of a team. I recently heard our guidance on reopening safely has been so useful that colleagues have been sending it to other cultural and heritage institutions, even though it doesn't directly apply - that's a real buzz, to know I've been part of drafting something that's really useful in these crazy times.

5. Do you know someone who is always busy?
Yes, me. Sigh. Lockdown has been good for that (I am definitely not going to 56 nights away or 57 theatre productions this year). But even lockdown is quite busy for me. I don't do well without a schedule.

Meanwhile, today's meme question is:
18 When you eat out alone, where do you like to go?
Depends if it's lunch or evening. At lunch I love a proper restaurant, with a set specials menu, and a glass of wine. Or I'll happily do something like a museum canteen, depending on where I am. But that's definitely second best. Evening meals are much tougher, as I get very self-conscious about taking up a table that could be for two (especially now that restaurants are going to be struggling). I tend to eat early, often in a chain place, or more likely take some stuff back to my hotel. It's not about saving money, but about feeling comfortable and relaxed - and not having two massive meals per day, to be honest. But I do love eating out alone when I feel comfortable. It's luxurious; none of those irritating debates about "starter or pudding", "red or white for the table", all that. Waiters can be assholes about single women, but less and less so now, and sometimes it's a lovely chance to chat to them too.

meme, friday five

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