Meme completion

May 01, 2020 20:33

Oh, I thought I posted this last night. But apparently I was too tired even to do that. It's been a better day today, but I don't feel more inspired by the questions, so I shall post for completeness's sake.

Assuming I don't do May's questions, I do want to post something fairly regularly. Three good things, maybe? We'll see.

The end of this month's meme. I'm a bit uninspired tonight, after a couple of long, busy days of work plus various coping things that have had to be managed. The meme's almost all I've posted this month but I don't know about doing May's. Maybe I'll just do a few check ins, as things roll along fairly unchanging at the moment. Or maybe I'm just having a rather meh evening after getting drenched in the rain today doing deliveries, and I will snap out of it soon. Watch. This. Space. etc.

28 What’s the one song that could be the theme song your life? (Post a link?)
Mph. I don't have one, and I don't do enough music to think of one.

29 How have your goals changed as you've gotten older?
I think I've let go of the idea that I need goals. I've never had them, but I used to be embarrassed about that. I thought I was supposed to want houses and cars and marriages and other stuff from the Game of Live, none of which suits me. I guess if I have any aspiration's it's a pretty basic one: health, safety, nourishment, love, entertainment. And as all this is revealing, freedom matters too. I really want to travel, and knowing that's a year off or more is... pretty terrible actually. I've had an idea for what to do for a week's holiday that won't be a waste, but that's so little compared with what I had planned for this year. So I suppose I did have goals or at least wishes, about working abroad for example, which have just got flattened, in the last year I could do them without limits. No wonder I feel a bit meh.

30 What’s a nice thing you did for somebody today?
I walked for two hours in the rain (/sun/thunder) to deliver bi-weekly shopping to my parents and stayed to chat although I was extremely wet and the porch is not a perfect cover in a downpour. But honestly that feels like a job now. I sent some cocktail bitters to a friend, but that's for her birthday. I... wrangled a whole load of stuff around a work webinar, including inviting a colleague who was interested though I didn't really need another hand, and supporting people who couldn't join - that really is a job, but I have been going a bit above and beyond with that as I know tech issues and isolation are getting to people. I ended a meeting with my HOD 11 minutes early so she could get a cup of tea during her otherwise solid hours of meetings. I gave the National Theatre a donation for NT at home (though I failed to remember to get something for our food bank as they weren't right by the supermarket queue today). None of it's very earth shattering, but I am trying hard not to make life worse for people at the moment.

None of it's as nice as another friend offering to make me a cloth face mask with a flexible nose bit to manage the issue of glasses with mask. This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or there as you please!


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