A little meme catch up

Jan 16, 2020 19:02

15 If you could pick a new first name, what would you choose?
Huh. I don't much like mine, but I'm not sure what would suit better. I don't like cute names, no desire to be a Poppy or Lily. Something fairly hands-off and professional would be good. I like Katherine, which is a version of my mum's name, but the thing that mostly annoys me about my name is people mishearing or misspelling it, and the whole C/Kathe/arine thing wouldn't fix that. Maybe Kate, actually. That would be good.

16 What is your favorite board game?
I was going to say I don't really play board games now, but then I realised how much time I spend on online mahjong, and, well. Yes. Love my tiles.

17 What self-care things do you find helpful to ground yourself or “talk yourself down from the ledge” when you’re overwhelmed by your feelings or by stress?
18 What is the most extreme weather you have ever experienced?
19 Do you operate out of any particular faith system that informs your actions? Do you intentionally NOT have a faith system, and if so, what beliefs or ideas inform your actions?
20 When you go to a fancy coffee shop, what’s your go-to order?
21 What genre of books is your usual favorite when you read for pleasure?
22 Where is one place you wouldn’t ever want to be caught dead?
23 How would someone who genuinely likes and admires you describe you?
24 How would someone who doesn’t really like you describe you?
25 If you had to teach a one-hour class with absolutely no prep time, what subject could you competently pull off?
26 What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while out for a meal at a restaurant?
27 What aphorism or saying is helpful for you right now?
28 What’s your favorite meme? (Post it!)
29 What is your skin care regimen?
30 What song are you listening to a lot right now? (Post a link?)
31 What superpower best suits your personality?

This entry was originally posted at https://bruttimabuoni.dreamwidth.org/960215.html. You can comment here or there as you please!
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