La Grande Rentree

Nov 21, 2019 17:15

Well. It turns out business meetings in Paris are about as exiting as business meetings in the UK, but with more time confusion. I did spend a pleasing pre-bed hour watching terrible French tv on Tuesday, and I'd never been to the Bibliotheque Nationale so that was fun. I'd been warned about their terrifying canteen where you get a 3 course lunch compulsorily from about fifteen serving stations. It's very subsidised and very nice, but it's still scary while you're wandering around with a tray.

Some meme catch up, before I go to bed very, very early (I got back at midnight last night, having got up at 5.30 UK time. Zzzzzzzz). Luckily today was a very short day, starting at 10.30 and ending at 3.30, with a very easy commute too. I've still been kept alive mostly by full fat Coke, which I don't normally even drink...

20 What product do you wish a company would make a “smart” version of?
I slightly feel like my loathing of smart homes in a previous question covers this. I don't hugely mind things being unplugged, unwired and manual. And definitely not collecting and spewing out my data to some multinational.

21 What do you think would be the most useful thing you could do with virtual reality?
Probably reduce international travel, especially to beauty spots crumbling under tourism. But that's 100% hypocritical of me as I love to travel. So I guess it's the training/practice thing, especially for dangerous stuff where you don't want to keep on doing it. But we already do that with VR, which I suspect means I don't really grasp its possibilities.

Or, just possibly, I'm very tired. Yawnnnn.

22 In what situations, do you wish you could throw down a smoke bomb and disappear?
23 Would you rather be fluent in all languages and never be able to travel or be able to travel anywhere for a year but never be able to learn a word of a different language?
24 What word do you always misspell?
25 Would you rather be put in a maximum security federal prison with the hardest of the hardened criminals for one year or be put in a relatively relaxed prison where wall street types are held for ten years?
26 How long have you lived in your home?
27 Would you rather have someone impersonating you and doing really amazing things that you get the credit for or find money hidden in weird places all around your house every day but with no explanation where the money comes from or how it keeps getting there?
28 Have you ever slept out overnight to be one of the first in a queue?
29 What's your favourite shop?
30 Do you have a pair of lucky underwear?

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