GIANT photo post from Andalusia

Mar 30, 2019 18:56

Okay, it’s time for the massive photo post from Seville and Cordoba. I have been yearning to be back in this atmosphere all week, while going back to a particularly yawnsome inbox. Alas. Someone, bring me to a patio…

I won’t repeat all the text, of course, I’ve just divided this into themed categories for a kind of collage on some of the key sights I was seeing. The flickr album is chronological if you’d prefer that - I can point you at anything you were specially interested in when I was journaling. It was such a gorgeous place to be, I am more than happy to yatter more about it!

Streetscapes - just a few shots from wandering around. My holiday handbag is almost exactly the yellow of so much paintwork in these streets!

Buildings - for religion
The acres of Seville cathedral, with its minaret and orange grove:

The chapel at the Hospital de los Venerables - not massive, but pretty well covered in baroque stylings..

The complicated Carthusian complex (with installation art, and leftover factory buildings)

Some other Christian buildings

The remains of Cordoba’s medieval Synagogue

And the very, very substantial remains of Cordoba’s medieval mosque, with a cathedral plunged through the centre. Photos can’t really show the scale, but it’s a staggering place:

Buildings - to impress. The two Alcazars, not really defensive any more in Seville, but pretty chunky in Cordoba. And with stunning gardens, both of them. Plus leftover bits of fortifications in both cities.

…and the archivos de las Indias, which really does look more like a financial exchange

…the buildings of the 1929 Hispano-American exhibition - now Plaza de Espana, and two museums, in their very different styles.

Buildings - for living. But pretty darned wonderful living. A lot of the patios belong to these houses, but I’ve split them out below.

Collections - I wasn’t nearly as museum focused as I often am, and some didn’t allow photography, but I did see some great stuff indoors too!

Patios - some of these feel more like gardens and others are definitely the centre of a house, but it seems like patio is the word either way. There’s not much lawn, of course, so it’s the combination of trees/flowers/tiles/water that really makes the spaces.

Water - probably the best thing of all, the amazing fountains everywhere.

Fruit :-) Of course the oranges are famous, but it’s wonderfully strange to us northerners to see them all over the place. Lemons too…

Tiles - such a huge part of the colour and design of so many buildings

Woodwork and plaster - the other core elements of the Mudejar style. And aren’t they intricate and gorgous?

And lastly, the portillo, in Cordoba - a little gate in the medina wall separating the two halves of the city:

It's the last photo I took, and it seems appropriately goodbye-y.

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photo post, travel

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