(no subject)

May 03, 2015 22:10

My parents are vv bad influences. They took me out and got me drunk on Lebanese red wine under the pretence of telling me about their holiday and the nightmare of their roof repairs (first roofer fled when they called trading standards, now it's raining, argh, makes my boiler dealings look prudent and well planned).

I have posted a Meant To Be fic which is hockey as well as J2; also my Gen Teensybang, which I love quite a lot even if nobody wants to read het fic in this fandom sigh. I have signed up for SPN Opera, where I promise no hockey this time. I am supposed to be writing an exchange fic this weekend for Sid/Geno and instead have written 7k Jonny/Patrick because I have my OTP in this fandom even though they are disgusting, and even though I write PAtrick with an extraneous double capital every damn time which annoys me.

But, anyway. Fic is being posted at last. Seasonal Spuffy next weekend. You will see, o flist, that I have not merely been cooking, travelling and moaning for the past few months. Also writing. Honest.

I love you guys. Chateau Kefriyah is very tasty. Though may not be spelled that way. Nanight.
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