
Mar 31, 2015 20:45

Reveals are up at spnspringfling, which is lucky because I've been travelling/in software training for two days and therefore have absolutely nothing to say to you people. *vacant stare*

But here's my Fling - kind of an odd thing that went to a place I had not planned. Spaaace, oddly enough. But it was nice to write some f/f for SPN RPF for a change.

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unfaithful to buffy, my fic

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cassiopeia7 March 31 2015, 23:01:09 UTC
LOVE this!

Adrienne looks like she's shining. Like there's a big light at her heart and it's shining out to her whole body.

Wow, such a gorgeous image. And the story itself is beautiful -- beginning a little melancholy, a little bittersweet, yet with so much hope at the end. Just perfect. You write against-all-odds love stories really, really well, you know. Love how you always write the big story plus all the important little things -- the little looks, the touches, the feel of a history, of things that went before, and the sense of true affection. It's always crystal clear why your characters are together, whether curving around the back side of Asphodel, on the road to DC, or in a nondescript apartment the night before a life-changing launch.

I admit, I didn't guess you for this one -- I honestly thought you'd written the vet!Jensen fic. (I don't normally read f/f, but you wrote it, and I trust you to be more about the characters and their relationship, and it's in spaaaace.)

Also, this here Cassiopeia highly approves of "Cassiopeia colony." Even if it "isn't all that." :DD

Brava, lady! ♥

Software training? Could be great fun or incredible tedium, depending on the software. I hope you got the "fun" type . . .


brutti_ma_buoni April 1 2015, 18:39:15 UTC
Nnnaawwww, thank you for this and the rec. I had a little in spaaaace moment (and had to include you *of course*), and they seemed very natural together.

Software training: quite interesting virtual learning and portfolio-builder packages, mostly good because we're not using them exactly how they were originally intended so the trainer pretty much threw away the packaged training and asked us to talk through exactly what we needed to learn. And it's useful stuff, though quite near the assessment package I also use for a different piece of work, so could get confusing.


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