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Comments 7

velvetwhip August 25 2014, 19:03:23 UTC
I love all your answers and found them fascinating, but I want to second your recommendation of sparrow2000. She's a goddess and that's no exaggeration. Then again, I'm quite the fan of your work as well, ma'am, and yes, you make me think.



brutti_ma_buoni August 26 2014, 21:25:25 UTC
*mwah* Thank you!

Sparrow is a wonderful writer of atmosphere, isn't she? The smallest hint or breath from her characters and we move forward, trepidatious.


sparrow2000 August 26 2014, 00:10:42 UTC
Really interesting read, my dear. I especially enjoyed being reminded of Rules 'verse dialogue, especially when it spawned such a delicious relationship.

And thank you for the gorgeous comment, I'm grinning like crazy right now. If it's useful, I can put audio on the outstanding chapter so that it chirps at you every half hour *g* And if I can ever tempt you to that back catalogue, you'd be very welcome to have a nose around.


brutti_ma_buoni August 26 2014, 21:20:16 UTC
You're welcome - it's totally sincere!

I am in no state to catch up right now - at home for a glorious 9.5 hours before heading off on another overnight trip. But I'm hoping to have hotel-killing-time-time tomorrow evening and might eventually have my brain back. If not, I shall mainline two chapters together again. Because that's fun.


sparrow2000 August 26 2014, 22:24:09 UTC
Ah yes, I remember doing that - it was one of the reasons we emigrated! *g* And now we're coming back...

No worries, the chapter will still be there when you get around to it. Next chapter will also be up on Friday as that's the day we start travelling and I want to make sure it's up before we go. :)


snogged August 26 2014, 03:32:19 UTC
I definitely enjoyed your responses to this. :)


beer_good_foamy August 26 2014, 17:37:32 UTC
Very interesting read, thanks for posting!

Completely agreed re: "Show, don't tell". I do think it's useful advice, but you have to think about WHY it's useful - and especially if you're writing first person or (as I mostly do) a very limited third, then you're going to have to do a fair amount of telling simply to get any sort of narration going. When you're dealing with a medium that's entirely text and a very diverse audience, sticking very closely to "showing" is a challenge - not an impossible one, but you have to be aware that you're not always showing what you think you're showing, that what's clear to you is just confusing to others.


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