Why Ms Day, You're... (Jensen/Felicia, NC17)

Aug 25, 2014 17:43

Sorry in advance for a bit of spamming tonight... I am in a budget hotel room with the rain pouring down outside and plenty of snacks, so I'm thinking this will be an indoor evening.

Reposting this because I like this pairing (second time I've written), because it let's me fix a titling error I've regretted and a typo that bugged me. And why not? This one's pretty clearly mine (says Snick, again :P). (Oh, and in this or yesterday's there's an and that should be an any. I cannot find the damn thing now, though I know it's there. Please don't be shy of pointing it out!)

Title Why Ms Day, You're...
Pairing Jensen/Felicia
Rating NC17
Words 3100
PromptI really want to see a Jensen/Felicia romance. Felicia is a bit shy and nerdy. Jensen is her friend. He adores her, but he never hits on her.

Felicia isn't going to fall for the power of female makeovers involving excess cleavage though. Nope. She's out to woo her man by fixing his car/computer because he's clueless. Helping him reroof his garage. Buying him candies, etc.

Then she finally pounces and shows him just what all that time on the internet has taught her about sex.

Jensen's face is alight with happiness and pleasure. "Felicia? You are a goddess."

It's everything Felicia's wanted to hear, and she feels exactly no pleasure in it. Also, Jared's rolling his eyes behind Jensen, which is not helping her to pretend it's what she has dreamed of.

She shrugs. "No big. Anyone who knows a motherboard from a-"

"Yeah, exactly," says Jensen. He's laughing, damn him to eternal tickle torture. It makes his eyelashes sparkle in reflected sun, crinkles up his face so he's almost ugly. If he weren't too pretty to be ugly, that is. "Anyone who knows their ass from, right? And you know I don't. Which is why I need you so bad, Felicia mine."

It's almost flirting. But he does this with lots of girls. And guys. And cats. And cars. Jensen's a pretty equal-opportunity charming heartless flirt, and everyone he meets knows it. And enjoys it. Because it's just Jensen, out there in the world, sharing the love.

Felicia, who apart from this is actually a nice person, wants him to stop sharing the damn love and direct it her way. Now, please.

He doesn't, of course. Because fixing his Mac isn't anything new. Felicia's been going all out to impress for months now, since she decided that just good friends is nice but she'll feel like ass for the rest of her life if she doesn't at least try this. And Jensen Ackles hasn't noticed a thing. She laughs, and takes a cookie ("Because you earned it, babe. Take two!"), and stays another half hour, and it's fantastic, because Jensen is fantastic. Which is why Felicia's here. Always here. Always with the solution, and a smile, and never taking the next step.

Jared buys her a coffee, after, when they're on their way out of Jensen's complex. They kick back. It's nice, till he asks, as she knew he would, "So, how's that grand plan looking, kid?"

Felicia steals a scoop of nummy caramel froth from his mug. He deserves it. "It sucks balls, Jared. And you know it. I do everything for him. Way more than I'd do for a clueless loser like you-" He steals some of her chocolate foam right back, and honestly, that's only fair. "I'm, like, the best unpaid butler in New York, and Jensen loves it, and he has absolutely no clue that I'm in love with him."

Jared may have been signalling a while now. Felicia missed it, if so. Missed everything till now, when his gape of dismay meets her sudden focus on the reflection in the window. Reflected Jensen. Jensen in reverse. Jensen's dumb, pretty mouth falling open. His left eyebrow - no, it's his right, he's reversed in the glass - rising to the sky, the way it only does when he's truly surprised.

Apparently, the next step just jumped up and smacked Felicia in the face.

Jared says, "I'm just gonna go… stand… over there…" Because although a good friend, he's also incapable of abandoning mid-mocha. Felicia understands.

"'S okay, Jared," she says. "I think I should go somewhere else. We should?" She cocks an eyebrow at Jensen (God, his mouth is still open, how is that even possible? Shouldn't a bird have flown in or something and made it look more- Oh, god, Felicia, even your brain is going now, try not to say anything abysmally humiliating). "Yes. Let's talk this out!"

She doesn't actually clap her hands and smile, which is good, because what works on pre-schoolers grumpy about mornings should not work on grown-ass men. But Jensen reacts pretty much the way Felicia's Saturday craft kids do. He blinks, and nods, shuts his mouth and follows her.

Up to his apartment, absent any more convenient location for Felicia to lay out her heart to be stomped on.

She has to tell him to unlock the door, so apparently the idea of Felicia having romantic feelings has caused some kind of actual Jensen-brain short-circuit. Which, how to make a girl feel special. But at least they got here, and Felicia's welcoming the feeling of the end of the road. Really, pining away for her oblivious beloved isn't a look she enjoyed. She's been wondering how long she can keep it up. Apparently, no more.

"So," says Jensen, and it's good, because he now has vocal control. "You…"

Vocal control, but not actual polysyllables.

"Love you. Yep," says Felicia, in dammit monosyllables of her own. She continues. "It's a thing. I was hoping you’d notice. Or, you know, realise you couldn't live without my mad tech skills and charming smile and fall for me too. Sorry about that."

"'S okay," Jensen responds, but it's automatic. There's no big damn realisation here. "Sorry back. I wasn't paying attention, I guess. I just… I really like you, Felicia. Like, so much. But I never thought of you that way."

Well. It's nice, getting disembowelled without all that pesky intestine all over Jensen's carpeting. She is close (so, so close) to saying something quick and hurt, and running away. Or something brave and warm, and hoping they can salvage their genuine friendship from the wreck of her blabbermouth.

But maybe- Fuck it, it can't be any worse that it is now, right?

Felicia slaps her intestines back where they should be. Maybe only with sticking plaster and hope, maybe she'll be gutted again after this. But at least she won't be gutless. She'll have tried.

"Well, maybe you should." She walks over to him. Way close. Up in his space. "You like me. I'm cute. We could… try?"

He doesn't step back. He doesn't shake his head. He's not gutting her all over again. So she closes the (small) gap between their mouths, and tastes him. Light, teasing, one flicker of her tongue between his lips. He still doesn't pull back. She does.

"Didja hate that?"

He says, low, "No. But, Felicia, this isn't-"

"I don't care. You didn't hate it. Want to see what else you don't hate?" He's on the verge of objecting, because despite it all he's not a fool, and he can see she's on the edge of something stupid, but today, Felicia wants something stupid. "I mean, I wanted something more than once. But seems like even once was never in your mind. What say we compromise?"

Once. It's not enough. But it's more than she's ever had with Jensen before, and Felicia's convincing herself. Not Jensen, though. He says, "You're worth more-"

She puts a finger to his lips. "I'm worth exactly what I choose. I'm absolutely worth one night of your time, Mister Ackles. I got mad skills-" Her eloquence almost carries Felicia away, but she remembers in time that she actually means to follow through on this one, and adds, "-in my brain. And I want to try them out on you. Now."

When all this is over, maybe Felicia should try the dominatrix thing. Or law. Either her manner or her persuasive mojo get Jensen saying, "If you really want, then I guess-" And he's looking at her. Properly.

Felicia is - to anyone with eye-brain co-ordination - really overdressed for dropping by to fix a laptop and maybe get a coffee. She even has co-ordinating undies, because Felicia from two hours ago never stopped hoping that this would be the moment when he really saw her.

Felicia from two hours ago was awesome. Felicia from now wants to kiss her. Nothing like looking your best for your one chance to blow your dude's mind, right?

She pushes Jensen, one finger in the centre of his sternum. "Bedroom, right? I want loooots of space for what I got planned." Technically, she has no plans. But she's been winging it since she first saw Jensen's reflection, and it's not a complete bust yet. She'll go with wings for now.

He walks her into the bedroom, stepping backward and sideways and never looking away, like Felicia's eyes are the answer or the spell that's holding him. Like he doesn't want to break it.

"Take off your shirt," she says. She wants to add, and your pants, because she's getting impatient already, but if there's a spell, she wants to hold it. Jensen obeys. Shirt off. "Lie down." He does that too, kicking off his shoes, scooting back on the bed.

Felicia sheds shoes and cardigan, and crawls onto the bed. "Mmmm," she says, and straddles Jensen's hips. Not touching yet. Definitely not grinding. Just, you know, there. She can feel the warmth of Jensen's body radiating up at her. He must be able to feel her in return. And, hello sex feelings. She starts to tingle, moisten, swell. Getting ready. Biology's awesome.

She leans down, and starts kissing Jensen. Properly. Deeply. So deep she loses her thread of control, and when she surfaces, eons later, she's lying sprawled over Jensen, tits to chest, crotch to crotch. Subtlety gone, then. But he's getting hard, so apparently he doesn't mind. And Felicia's pussy definitely doesn't mind knowing that. If she wasn't wearing panties, she'd be dripping onto him. She wants to say it, suppresses.

Jensen says, "What? You wanted to say something. Tell me what." He's surfaced too, a little. Not just blindly doing her bidding now. That's good.

So she says, "I realised I'm so wet for you already, if we weren't wearing clothes you could slide right up inside me right now."

Jensen's dick twitches hard, she can feel it against her. They both grunt a little with how right that is. Just kissing. Jensen says it aloud, "Just kissing, Felicia. And a little dirty talk. And you got me flying. Imagine what it'll feel like when we fuck."

"Waaay ahead of you," she says, and his glance snaps to hers. She shrugs. "Been getting off to that for a while. Sorry."

"Don't be," he replies, after a pause. A pause where he bucks up under her again, rubbing his too-covered dick right against her pussy. So, he doesn't seem too upset about fantasy violations of privacy. Good.

Felicia starts working her way down Jensen's chest. Taking her time, till he's bucking up over and over, silently asking for more. "Take 'em off," he says, and she unbuttons, unzips and peels him out of his jeans. And his underwear. Because taking her time is good, but she also wants.

"Turn over," she says. He side-eyes her a moment, but obeys. Which means Felicia gets to straddle that ass (it's a very fine ass indeed, as she always knew it would be), rubbing her wetness against the firm curve of Jensen's buttock, her soaked panties barely a barrier now, teasing them both as she kiss-bites her way along his spine. And beyond.

"Yaaiii-" he says, after a while. "Rimming on the first date?"

"I wanted to," she answers. "And you like it." Which he let slip, months ago, and she's been curious ever since. He does like it, and so unexpectedly does she. The power of pushing just her tongue-tip into that tight pucker, feeling him jump and shiver, easing her path with spit till she can go a little further.

Okay, not that far. She's nervous, this is new, and it's really hard on the tongue muscles which she wants to save for other things. So she climbs off before he's moaning more than a little, smacks him on the butt and says, "Turn over."

He does. He's really hard, purple and leaking, dick leaning left a little, imperfectly Jensen. "You gonna take off those clothes any time soon?" he complains. She gets out of the skirt and vest top. And, well, her panties are downright uncomfortable now. So those go. She keeps the bra on. Some kind of control, still.

Back on the bed, she contemplates Jensen's dick. "Okay if I-" she says, leaning down.

He says, "Only if you get up here, Jesus, you're driving me insane," and hauls on her hips till she's reversed on the bed, and Jensen's mouth is breathing tickly along her neatly-trimmed pussy.

She's tall enough this always sounded like it'd work without neck-straining, and it does. She bobs her head down, getting the taste of his dick deep into her mouth, and Jensen licks up between her lips till he's just teasing her clit, and she'd howl if she didn't have a mouthful of dick. But it's pretty clear everyone's having a good time.

She ends up mouthing mindlessly at the head of his dick, distracted from her exploration of how to take Jensen Ackles apart, while he returns the favour. He's sucking on her clit, two fingers twisting up inside her, when Felicia decides control isn't really what she's going for anymore. She pulls off, no unfortunate biting accidents here, and pants hard into Jensen's thigh as she comes. "Yeh- there- yeah- oh- want your mouth- more-oh," and it doesn't have to make sense, and more than the words he's not quite articulating in between sucking on her make sense, and she's coming, so words don't seem important.

She takes a moment, before weakly aiming her hand at his dick, because leaving him hanging would be rude, and she wants to see him come.

He says, "Felicia. Could I-" He nods at her bra.

"Oh. Yeah. Sure." Control. That's the thing she gave up. She has small boobs, he'll have guessed that. So what? He got her off anyway. He's hard for her, anyway.

"So pretty," he says, as the fabric falls away, and she doesn't know if it's for the bra or what it was covering, but he's nuzzling at her nipples now and when she barely responds he moves on to little bites which yes.

He breathes hard into her nearly-cleavage, "I want to fuck your tits sometime. So pretty round my dick, and watching your face while you watch me, and I'll come so hard I get your throat all wet, like you're all over my face right now."

Wow. He's fantasising about Felicia's breasts? And, not incidentally, about doing this again? She squishes hope down, firmly. That's not what this is. But the dirty talk alone is enough for now.

"But-" he says, and she was so right to squish down hope, because now she'd be dropping away if she hadn't. Except that he continues, "But I really want to be inside you now. That okay?"

"Condom?" she says, and applauds every sex ed teacher she ever had, because that didn't even come from her conscious brain. But yes, condom.

He nods, and futzes in the nightstand a while. Not very smooth. She doesn't care. He turns back, and he's not quite so hard, so she leans over and sucks him in a couple times, sucking the full length of him inside, drawing him out with a loud, dirty pop at the end. He laughs. "Thank you, I'm good," and rolls on the condom while Felicia entangles herself around him, trying to kiss every part that's in mouth-reach. Elbow. Shoulder. Armpit. It's all good. "You are not making this easy," he says, when he's done. But he's smiling, and he turns their mouths together.

"Can I ride you?" she asks, because he was so pretty, spread out for her at the start of this. He looks surprised, but nods and falls back, just like at the start. They're in a mess of covers now, diagonal to the bed head, and Felicia's noticing details because she's nervous now, of all times. Like penises in vaginas are more meaningful than penises in mouths, or mouths on clits, which is illogical, and Felicia needs to get a hold of this now, please. She slings a leg over Jensen's thighs, and the spread of his hips opens her up again. She is so wet now, even with the dirty sounds of Jensen swallowing her slick in gulps still fresh in her memory. She holds up his dick, perpendicular, and slides down and- oh, yeah, vaginas aren't perpendicular, so she has to shimmy a little, but he's inside her and sliding home just as easy as she knew he would.

"Just like you promised," he says, and she laughs, because he's remembering her promise of earlier too. They're so on the same page, always, and this is perfect now. He adds, "'M gonna go off in ten seconds when you move," which turns out not to be true, but it's nice that he aims for bashful. She rides him, marvelling at the pleasure of having him spread out for her, and then as his face tightens and his words fail, she starts to feel the build of a second climax, just from this, the slide of him inside her, the grind of her against him.

She doesn't get there before he comes, but after he's had a moment to get over it, he flips them over, pulls out of her, and slides down the bed to get her off quick and messy, fingers and tongue together.

Felicia pulls on his head, dragging his face into her when she comes, and after, he stays there awhile, breathing gently on her swollen flesh. He kisses her thigh, her pussy, the other thigh, and her lower belly, like a benediction, then flops back on the bed, gasping.

She lies quiet. The reckless push that got her this far, insisting she take what she can because she'll lose it soon enough, is gone. Now she's starting to wonder if friends is still possible. If she should get up, put on her cold, soaking panties, get dressed, slink away. Never speak again. She didn't really have a plan for this part.

Jensen says, "I have a really bad imagination."

"Bullshit," she says, instantly. They've fantasised often enough, gaming or romancing about future careers. Jensen's possibly crazier than she is, when he gets going.

He laughs at her response. "Not, you know, generally. I meant about this. I never imagined us doing this." She knows that. Should she be upset? Because his tone doesn't suggest it. "Like I say. I have a really bad imagination. Though I think I couldn't have imagined how amazing you are like this. I wouldn't ever-"

She rolls over. "You want to stop there? You started so well."

"Yeah," he agrees. "I wasn't sure where that was going. Felicia- I'm apparently a shit-for-brains idiot who can't see the beautiful woman right in front of him making his life better in pretty much every way might also be his perfect woman for, you know, romance-" He goes a little pink.

Romance, thinks Felicia. Not sex. Wow. He's dried up again, so she helps out. "We should do this again."

"Yes." He says it fast.


"Yes." He says it pleadingly.

"I should-"

"We should be together," he says it. Softly. "Sorry you had to do all the thinking and fixing it up and all that."

"I always do," she says. Smilingly.

"Yeah," he agrees. "Thank you."

unfaithful to buffy

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