Metamorphosis (J2, NC17)

Sep 01, 2013 19:33

So obviously I signed up for everything... Time to catch up on reposts of anon kinkmeme fills before I get writing again. In my head, this is the Dude fic, but there were actually too many, so this has a slightly reduced Dude count.

Title Metamorphosis
Pairing Jared/Jensen
Setting College AU
Rating NC17
Prompt for a kinkmeme prompt which wanted Jensen giving Jared a makeover, then falling for him himself. (And also Jared being badly treated by Guys Who Are Not Jensen, but that part didn't happen in this fic)
Words 2800

"Dude, stop picking at everything!"

Jensen looks genuinely annoyed, which is surprising. He's been weirdly on edge all afternoon. Which is just wrong. Jensen's a laid back guy, apart from about Cultural History 101, which he never should have taken. He's never, ever angry, except with postmodernist critiques and reception theory. He's absolutely never angry with Jared, even though a reasonably cool guy like Jensen definitely didn't deserve to get Jared as a roommate. But today, apparently, is the day Jensen gets tetchy.

Which is unfortunate, because Jared needs the confidence-giving side of Jensen just now.

"It looks okay."

"It looks awesome," says Jensen, still irritably. "You, not so much."

Jared's inner hurt must show, because Jensen corrects it immediately - more like the supportive friend he's been over the past painful two week transformation. "Dude, no, you look good. Just kinda terrified. Which we worked on. Remember?"

Jared nods. His mouth is dry. There may be spots floating in his vision. He may be about to pass out.

"Jared!" Jensen gets right in his face. "It's okay. You will do great. Greg asked you out, remember? After months of you doing the puppy dog yearning thing, he really asked you out. It means he likes you. Or, you know, potentially interested, or something less girly like that."

Jared nods. "I know. It was awesome." Greg is almost as tall as Jared, but built, confident and top of the class. He's pretty amazing. Jared's spent almost the whole semester yearning (Jensen's word is definitely the right one), till his roommate eventually cracked and promised to make him over into "an irresistible sex demon" (Jensen's words - they made Jared laugh so hard he snorted coffee, which was bad). Jensen promised Greg would be "putty in your keyboard-wizened hands, dude", finishing, with feeling, "And then maybe I can get some peace to finish this fucking Foucault paper before I tear my own head off."

Fair exchange, really, and Jared has enjoyed, surprisingly, the weeks of being taught how to shop, stand, walk and talk. Not as insane as it sounds. His clothes are just… normal, where before normality has always eluded him. He seems to walk taller. He even feels less gangly, though that may be the clothes that actually fit him without hanging off him like he's actually on the verge of starving.

Jensen has also coached him in at least three normal style conversations (baseball, canteen food, his ideal holiday) and a range of quips from Justin Bieber's monkey to scorn for three highly popular TV shows. (Jensen's view of this is, "Dude, you can't get me to teach you enough words to say the rest of your life. But this way, a few references to, yanno, real life, it sounds like you do something other than code and play whatever that thing is called-" "World of Warcraft!" Jared almost shouted it, the time he's remembering, and Jensen laughed. "See - told you you could talk back at a guy. All we need if to get you mad enough." Jared's not sure the tactic is completely sound, but it definitely worked that one time. And Jensen totally games too, even if Warcraft isn't his thing. So that's okay.)

"You remember the monkey?" Jensen's checking in now, oddly tense.

"I remember the monkey. And the Snooki-"

"She's a she, Jay. Not a the."


"You remember it's okay to talk to Greg, right? He likes you."

"Yes, I remember." Jared says it through his teeth. He really doesn't believe it, but Jensen looks fierce, like he might not let Jared out if he's insufficiently pumped for this ultimate dating challenge. (Okay, not really ultimate, more like first. Whatever.)

"You know if he goes to kiss you, you totally go with it?"

"Jensen! I'm not a complete loser." Greg kissing him… Jared may have drifted a little there.

"Got condoms?"

"Jensen!" Jared's the colour of stewed beets. "I'm not- This is our first-"

Jensen sighs, and fishes in his nightstand. He passes three small foil packets across (three!). "This stuff's important, okay? And you never know. You look pre-tty damned irresistible now you've given me total control of your look." He's camping up the words as a distraction from Jared's visible panic, eyelashes fluttering, and weirdly Jared notices for the first time in months just how pretty Jensen is. (The first few weeks they shared a room Jared could barely speak with Jensen in the same space. The fact he eventually got over that gives him hope for the rest of the world. Now, it's a whole lot more comfortable, and he barely notices the guy. Mostly.)

Jared jerks himself out of that weird moment, hands clenching in reaction, crinkling the condom wrappers. He doesn't bother to tell Jensen he's not even really sure how to use them (well, squeeze and roll on, yeah? Except the one time he tried to practice, it wasn't that easy, and he got soft partway through and he's pretty sure that wasn't just because his sister also wanted to use the bathroom and he was more than a little hurried). No, that's not something to share with a roommate. And not really something to have on his brain as he heads out for what he's hoping is the first in a string of dates with the amazing and sexy Greg which will totally lead to Jared losing his virginity at some point in the future - not slutty and tonight, but maybe, say, next date? Or at least, not too long after, because he's about to go insane with frustration.

Jared's suddenly aware that he's been standing in the middle of their room, probably with his mouth open, for way too long. Jensen's looking at him strangely. "You okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Just, you know, thinking." Jared shoves the unwanted condoms into his jeans pocket, and tries to look cool. "Later."

"Yeah," says Jensen, still looking at him. "Have a great time." Jared's pretty sure Jensen's eyes follow him till the door's closed. Probably inspecting his back view to check there's nothing too dorky visible. Man, he really takes this makeover thing seriously.


It's not even ten when Jared lets himself back into the room. Jensen's lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

Kind of unexpected. Jensen's usually working or listening to music, maybe gaming, if he's in, or (as Jared has cause to know after Jensen patiently explained the code a couple of times) if there's a sock on the door, fucking some willing guy whose name Jared needn't bother to learn.

Jensen's head turns, and for a moment he looks really, really down. Jared's on the verge of asking what the problem it, because it looks bad, when Jensen's whole face and bearing change, in a blink. Up on one elbow, paying attention, "Dude! How was the dream date?"

Jared hesitates, but there's no point in lying. "It was okay."

"Okay? You did like we practised?" Jensen misses the inflection, obviously. "You talked? And it was okay?"

"Yeah. It was cool. We talked. A lot." Jared's flat tone eventually gets through.

"What? No kissing? No second date?"

"Uh," Jared doesn't know how to say this part. "I just- He was really dull." He watches Jensen's incredulous expression build. "I mean, it was good. I talked, he talked, we just didn't- I didn't laugh much." He faked a lot of laughs. Greg told jokes. A lot of jokes.

"You were nervous," says Jensen, almost anxiously. Like he needs Jared to have had a good time.

"Not really." Jared sinks down on his bed. "I mean, it was okay. I just- We had way more fun preparing for this date than I did on this date. He's a nice guy, but-" He pauses, and there's a little grin that becomes a big grin without his permission. "I can do better. He asked me out for Friday, too, and I said no."

"Whoa!" Jensen's sitting upright now, facing Jared across the room. "I created a monster! That's great, Jay!"

There's something kind of manic about the whole moment. Like Jensen's nervous now, or faking delight. Jared wonders whether Jensen was hoping Jared would be around less, that he'd have the dormroom to himself more. Or double dating- No, Jensen doesn't date, or not the way Jared does, where you actually keep your clothes on. So-

Jensen gets up and walks over to Jared. Standing in front of where Jared's sitting on the bed. It's a weird position, not roommate stuff. Jared's forced to look upwards, chin tilted uncomfortably. Jensen looks odd, too.

"Um. Jay, look. Tell me if I'm out of line, but-" Jensen crouches down. It's easier on Jared's neck, but now it feels really intimate. Weirdly so.

Jensen continues. "You and me, we get along okay, right?"

"Sure." Jared's kind of paralysed. Jensen's head is not very far from his dick, Jared's splayed thighs apparently welcoming him in. And this is kind of turning into a situation which- Or is it in Jared's head?

"And you want to fuck someone you get along with. Or you'll never get it done, right?" Jared is not just imagining this. Jensen's tongue flickers along his bottom lip, in a cheesy but very, very effective manoeuvre. Jared's dick, if Jensen looked down to check, would be clearly sitting up and begging in response.

"Uh… Yeah." Jared's trying to use his upstairs brain. Surprisingly difficult when he's not freaking out about his geekiness. Jensen already knows about his geekiness, and Jensen's totally coming on to him. In their bedroom. Which… awkward. "It'd be weird, wouldn't it?"

Jensen sits back on his heels, looking disappointed. "Because I'm not your type?"

"Because I have to live with you till next summer and if we, uh, do it now, it'd be weird, because you, uh, you-" Use guys for just a night or two and then fuck other guys and Jared really can’t think of a way to make that sound less judgemental or needy. "I don't do casual sex." Which is an understatement.

"Oh." Jensen blinks. "I wasn't actually offering-"

"Oh, oh shit," Jared jumps up, which makes Jensen overbalance and he's sprawling on the dormroom floor looking surprised and not cool and really, really endearing and attractive suddenly, except Jared just made himself look like a total fool and he wants to run away. "You weren't offering, sorry, I just- The way you were looking-"

He makes for the door. Jensen grabs him by the ankle. "Dude!" Jared turns round. Jensen's now spread across the floor. "God, I must look like an idiot." He does. It's okay. He's grinning, like Jared's not the worst kind of fool. "Uh, I think I started this wrong." Jensen peels himself off the floor, and stands near Jared. Really near. Jared looks down a little, seeing the faint beading of sweat on Jensen's top lip, the way his breath is coming out a little choppy. "I- We've had fun, right? These past couple of weeks, it's been good? It seems like you're not shy with me. And, you know- Fun?" Jensen waves a hand, encompassing the shopping, coaching, arguing about the role of Warcraft in civilised society, bitching about Cultural History, occasional beer, enormous quantities of pizza and Fraps. They've done a lot, these past weeks.

"Yeah," says Jared. It's true.

"It made me think," Jensen squirms a little, "Maybe this boyfriend thing wouldn't be so bad. If the guy was, you know, okay."

"Cool," says Jared, now very confused. Apparently Jensen's having some kind of maturity epiphany.

"And there's you, with your thing for actual relationships, and how you don't believe anyone's gonna want you, but you're not gonna just fuck some nobody to get it done-" He catches Jared's eye, "I know you think you're just shy, but you have, like, principles and shit. Which is good. And I thought, maybe-" Jensen takes another shaky breath. "I'm really glad it didn't work with Greg. Because I think it might work with us. If you, you know, wanna give it a shot?"

It is, honest to God, the most romantic thing Jared has ever heard. Jensen kind of spoils it by adding, "Fuck, I sound like a drooling idiot." But, yeah. Still good. He should be on the debate team. Except Jared kind of wants to keep him and his mouth for himself, now. It really has been a good few weeks. Jensen's been a decent teacher but an awesome friend.

"I've only kissed, like, three guys," says Jared.

"Oookay?" Jensen looks confused. But less embarrassed.

"You may need to get us started."

"Oh. Ohh!" Jensen, finally, gets that Jared's not running away. He reaches up, and draws Jared the few inches down to his mouth.

God. Kissing is way, way better than Jared realised. It goes on a lot longer, too. By the time they break apart, hours may have passed. Is there more? He kind of wants it, and is also completely, but completely, freaking out.

"Jay," says Jensen, seriously. "Remember? One step at a time." His makeover mantra. It worked for dating, kind of. "Wanna get in bed?"

They peel out of most clothes, brushing teeth, taking bathroom breaks as needed, and Jared's kind of reassured by the normality. And also very hard, and very frustrated, because this isn't how romance is supposed to go. Jensen peels back his bedcovers, invitingly, and they jam into the single bed. It's close, and intimate, and Jared's hard again, and Jensen's just kissing him still.

"Okay?" Jensen pulls back enough to breathe the question.

"Yeah, yeah, definitely," Jared sounds kind of out of breath. And impatient. Jensen laughs. He wriggles back to give them as much space as possible, and slides his hands down Jared's bare chest, towards his underwear. Jared's dick twitches, hard, and he groans aloud. "Please?" Jensen's hand slides under Jared's waistband, slowly smoothing down till Jensen's hand is on Jared's dick, and it feels amazing, and awesome and like, oh fuck.

It's about a minute. Maybe ninety seconds, tops, and Jared comes all over Jensen's hand.

"Shit. Sorry. Uh. Wow?" Jensen's kissing Jared, and bringing his sticky hand up from between them, and fucking licking at Jared's semen, which is unexpectedly incredibly hot, even if Jared also wants to roll over and sleep. But there should be reciprocation, right? And also, he wants- So, he reaches out of the bed, seeking his discarded jeans,

"Whatcha doing?" Jensen semi-follows him.

"Condoms," says Jared, resolutely. Though, actually, now he's thinking about it in real life, he's maybe going to freak out a little.

"Not tonight," says Jensen. "One step at a time, remember? Trust the makeover guy." He pauses, and kisses Jared's turned shoulder. "Also, stop freaking. I like making you come. I intend to do it a lot."

"Oh." Jared pauses, and wriggles back into the bed. "Okay. Yes. If I'm not a complete-"

"Not a complete anything," says Jensen, "Except for how I completely love the taste of your come, and I need to jerk off now, if-"

"Oh, sure." Jared blinks. "Can I see?"

"Jay, you can do it, if you wanna," Jensen laughs, and relaxes back on the bed. Then waves Jared off so that he can wriggle out of his underwear. The covers, already severely disarranged, give up and fall on the floor. Jared can see Jensen's dick.

This is a way better way for the evening to end than anything Jared imagined. Jensen's jacking himself, slowly, and the head of his dick is wet already. Jared reaches out a curious hand, swipes a finger into the moisture, and watches Jensen's head jerk back, listens to the accompanying groan. Jensen's eyes open, in time to catch Jared tasting the fluid from his fingers. "Oh, maaaan. You are going to kill me."

Jared squeaks a little, and decides this would be the time to work out how to jerk off someone else. Jensen lasts longer than Jared did, but not, like, embarrassingly longer. He comes, beautifully, head back and neck cords straining, Jared watching the white spill of come with fascination.

I did that. He came because of me. Jared's tiny, much-bruised ego, swells, more than a little.

Later, still in the same too-small bed, with streaks of dried come sticking way too much skin together, they're still kissing when they really should be asleep.

"Did I mention," says Jensen, very quietly, "I'm really glad your dream boyfriend was an asshole?"

"Not an asshole," says Jared sleepily. "Just not as good as you. Or me."

Jensen's chuckle drifts off into sleep. Jared stays awake awhile, still blinking at the reverses of the day. What he thought he wanted, not so much. And he turned it down. And fell into something he didn't know he wanted; which apparently Jensen also wants. There's definitely going to be more sex in his life, and he's pretty much okay with that. Because, one step at a time, they'll work it out.


Makeovers are powerful.

Also, he totally has to get Jensen into WoW. This learning thing cannot be all one way.

unfaithful to buffy

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