Zombification 1: BtVS: Die A Little, Every Day (Tara, Ensemble, PG13)

Jun 20, 2013 17:00

Title: Die A Little, Every Day
Author: Brutti ma buoni
Fandom: Buffyverse
Characters/Pairings: Ensemble as per prompt, Tara POV
Length: 900
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: goes AU from sometime non-specifically in canon roughly season 5 BtVS/season 2 AtS
Warnings: none (beyond past character death and zombie killing, which you probably expect)
Prompt: zombi_fic_ationRead more... )

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Comments 33

velvetwhip June 20 2013, 18:00:05 UTC
Oh wow. This is heartwrenching. Poor Tara. To be trapped in this place where she can't safely feel... it's like being a zombie already.



brutti_ma_buoni June 20 2013, 18:32:41 UTC
Thanks so much. This felt a little overdone when I was writing it (as you probably gathered from my not enthused comments on my journal), but it's good to know it did convey what I wanted.


beadattitude June 21 2013, 02:13:43 UTC
Nope, you did good!


brutti_ma_buoni June 21 2013, 21:08:02 UTC


slaymesoftly June 20 2013, 18:18:16 UTC
Wow. Just wow. Powerful stuff - Interesting idea that Slayers are just dead women walking, with no appeal.


brutti_ma_buoni June 20 2013, 18:34:07 UTC
Thanks! The prompt really grabbed me from that aspect - you could write a whole bunch of ficlets exploring it from different POVs, though I'd get too depressed if I tried!


lisachanoando June 20 2013, 18:28:40 UTC
I liked it very much, intense and kind of depressing but most of all well-written and, despite the darker, darker tones, so incredibly close to the series it almost hurt. Kudos :)


brutti_ma_buoni June 20 2013, 18:35:57 UTC
Thanks so much! I've been chewing over this fic, because it's so very bleak, but the prompt was so fascinating and definitely trended into dark places.


zanthinegirl June 20 2013, 19:02:54 UTC
I like this-- it's almost a Walking Dead crossover. But not quite, and it works beautifully.

Some might say that Tara's a killing machine already. But that's not the case. She's bent only on living, and this is what you have to do to achieve it. She knows that.

The image of Tara with the shotgun really works too. Very nice!


brutti_ma_buoni June 20 2013, 20:01:23 UTC
Tara with a gun is about the most alien thing I could think of; but she would do it to save others, and eventually herself too.


brunettepet June 20 2013, 19:38:05 UTC
I really liked this bleak piece. With even her memories dangerous now, Tara is isolated when surrounded by friends. She's a liability but a liability that can't help wanting to survive. it's a fascinating dynamic, well handled.


brutti_ma_buoni June 20 2013, 20:03:43 UTC
Thanks! I loved the prompt - that odd-woman out Tara in amongst the immune superhumans. She's so human, yet eventually she'll have to become less so - because she's human enough that she wants to live.


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