I am having a fun if sleepy and hay fevered time on my one day off in this random week of extra-long commutes. Confirmed to me I never want to work in London and live at the end of a train line that only runs every 30 mins or so. Does not suit. Especially when the commute is two hours when it all runs smoothly.
But the week is being fun nonetheless and I will have lots of pictures of half timbered houses for you when I get home. It is the most beautiful place to stay for a few days, all long, deep green garden and creaky wood. We had dad's local historical society visit the town today for a tour, and let them amble over the house for a bit, which was hospitable and fun in a mild way.
I also picked up a late
shipswap pinch hit and have finished that, which makes me feel spuriously productive. Giles is still stuck where I left him three weeks ago though, and SoG deadline is coming closer. Gah.
The pub over the road continues generous with the wifi, bless it. I can easily live without TV, but internet no. Even just having it on my phone was making me twitchy till I knew I could access this. *addicted*