\o/ I don't get many impulses to write Rulesverse these days, but I'm pleased this is one. Bad sex in the sense of 'sex that goes wrong in the middle', in this case.
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title On Top of the World
Pairing Faith/Giles
Words 750
Rating R
Setting In the Rulesverse, at an early stage of their relationship - most likely the same short stopover in
Sequential, InconsequetialPrompt For the
badsexfest prompt: vigorous, athletic sex leads to an accidental injury.
She's getting there. Like, any moment. Faith's eyes are closed, rocking down hard into him, feeling him hit her good spot on every stroke. She holds his hands down. See who’s in charge here? For a change.
If she's honest, Faith never thought Giles would be any good in the sack, or not till the itchy coupla weeks before she made the first move, when she first started to wonder. But, actually, he has moves. It's an advantage of age, she's sure, and also an advantage of his hellion young years, which she didn't really believe in till the first night he tipped her up and ate her out while fingering her to hell and back and yeah, nobody will ever again get Faith to see Giles as Tweedy Old Watcher Dude. Not after the way his eyes danced, laughing as she writhed, like he knew exactly what he was doing to her, and what he'd be doing next, and she had little choice but to go with it. Which had some upsides.
But still. Slayer's gotta have her pride. Show she's not just a follower. And Giles isn't a toppy bed-hogger anyways, so switching it up is only right.
If she sometimes secretly enjoys being held down and taken (knowing she can break free at any moment she cares, because Slayer: fuck, yeah)? Well. Liberation's all about choice, right?
And Faith is woolgathering instead of coming, which, dammit, wasn't where she was headed. Put your back into it, girl.
Pressing down, holding Giles's hands way above his head now, hips grinding good.
"Faith?" He sounds tense. Near to coming, she thinks. Redoubles her rocking; get there too, Faith. Even if this isn't your best angle.
"FAITH," he shouts, and that's really not Hot Sex Talk. That's- Fuck, that's pain.
She stops moving, eyes closed, frozen for a second with memories of hurting people this close and personal, back in the day when she did it for kicks and desperation and hiding from what was lurking in her own head. Her voice, when it comes, sounds reedy-thin.
"What did I do?"
He's talking through his teeth, but he's talking. And not moving. "I may never have mentioned that I dislocated my shoulder playing rugby at school. It's an old injury, but it has left some weakness. I fear it slips out of joint rather-"
It's okay. She can breathe again. He's hurting, but not bad. It's not even all her fault. Eyes reopening, she sees the obvious dislocation, his upraised arm limp and not connected right.
He's still talking. "It's quite an easy fix, if you've never done it. I should still have a sling somewhere, too. I really should have mentioned it before, but, well, one has one's pride, and I barely think about it these days. But of course, your strength and athleticism aren't something I'm quite accustomed to in a partner. It was rather careless-"
He's babbling. Honest to shit, he really is. Like he feels like a fool. Like she might laugh, or get off him and walk out forever. She laughs, and at that exact moment, his dick slips out of her, shrinking and getting limp with a definitive slither, and boy, is that ever going to hurt his ego.
So: no time to waste.
"Shit, G, I thought I broke you bad. Breathe for me," and she makes the three smooth moves that simply slide his shoulder back in. His face contorts, and he goes a little pale, but they both know how this goes, and once his shoulder's back, they relax somewhat.
"You want I should call Benson," she offers, but even before his headshake she knows it’ll be a no. They don't have enough time during her stopover anyway, and Giles won't want this exact scenario getting about.
"I'll see him after you've gone. It feels pretty much as usual, and there's very little to be done with a recurrent injury like this. Besides, I left you hanging, rather." He goes pink again, and tries to free his good hand. "I really should-"
"G? I just broke you. You get a free pass for at least an hour." Faith curls up beside Giles. Dumbass guy. As if they haven't broken the mood past mending.
And maybe, just possibly, she can just sleep alongside him without it having to mean too much. If it stops him doing something stupidly macho, she's willing to try it.