I want to write something. Anything.

May 29, 2013 18:59

Well, not anything. I have two outstanding fics (and a zombie one that could do with some work), but I am meh about them. I've been productive lately, and what's left is the stuff I'm struggling with. Pfft.

Anyway. I am thinking about Projects. Specifically, I am thinking about letsgetitdone. Because I don't have a project right now, but I *could*. I'm planning to open signups for 2013 in about a month. And I'm wondering whether anyone would like the comm to be open to fandoms outside the Jossverse? There's no special reason for Getting It Done to be confined by fandom, though the icons and banners and such are Jossversey. All fandoms everywhere contain fanworkers in need of a bit of motivation. (I'm not planning to repeat the mini-bang part, pairing writers and artists, btw. I'm just going to be too busy to do the chasing that requires. I may do something lower stress that still allows a bit of pairing up.)

If you don't know it, letsgetitdone is a comm I ran last year for about 6 months. The *only* purpose of it is to give signer-uppers a deadline (and some nagging) to Do A Thing. A Thing you've been meaning to do. Art, fic, vidding, epic poems, whatever, I don't care, so long as you *do* care. That WIP that keeps looking at you when you open your fic folder. That cartoon series you sketched and then dropped because of busy life. That pairing you've never written and that doesn't have a fest or ficathon, but you'd love a reason to write it that is a little more than "I wanna". All these motivations and types of works are *totally welcome*, as are many more.

Signups in July (MAKE THAT COMMITMENT, DAMMIT), your Done Thing due in December. That's pretty much it for rules.

If you're interested, just tick:

Poll Getting it done 2013?

get it done

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