(no subject)

May 17, 2013 21:02

So I never beg for comments, but...

I scheduled In a Parallel Time (Sam, Dean/Lisa, but basically gen), my spn_cinema fic to post yesterday, and then of course it didn't due to HELL ON LJ CLUSTERS or wevs. And then it did post, backdated to the time I'd set, and of course no one saw it waaaay back on the flist, or had the power of speech if they did. The lovely, lovely mods at SPN Cinema posted links to the DW and AO3 versions so at least I didn't default, but my LJ version is Just Sitting There unloved. It makes me saaaaad. Someone, anyone, be its friend?

Also, you should go and read Paul, which is incredibly funny, also Winchester gen but with ALIENS (alien, technically), and I was reading when Clusterfuck began and have not been able to comment on. I am going to do that now. You should accompany me. Seriously, so silly and glorious. And there's great art with it too.
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