Thanks to
slaymesoftly, the old end of year fic meme returneth.
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, fewer than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Mppph. About the same, I think. It doesn't feel like it amounts to much, but I probably did a lot of ficathons about as usual. Maybe because they are more scattered in fandoms this year that's why they don't feel so substantial. I've been dreadful at uploading BtVS stuff to AO3 this year (or even, it turns out, adding them to my memories), so I have no meaningful word count at all. But I've definitely been writing. :)
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2012?
That would be CWRPF AU magician fic... But in general I wrote interesting-to-me non-BtVS stuff this year - Molly in Sherlock, a mixture of SPN and J2 stuff, two new fandoms for Yuletide. I think I've written pretty much everyone with everyone in the Jossverse; little would surprise me.
What's your favourite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest?
The Road Is Life, because it's so small and light, but feels like it works well for what it is. And Dawn POV secret Spuffy is pretty fun.
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Biddable. And considering my other forays into SPN fandom pretty much go unnoticed, all I can say is, if you want comments and clicks, write J2 porn. I have something like 650 clicks last time I looked, and that's the third place I posted it.
Story most under appreciated by the universe?
Weeeelll, I actually think
Dovetail Shuffle, the aforementioned CWRPF AU magician fic, maybe. I got good feelings about it, and it's not an unpopular pairing. But there we go. New fandoms and unknown waters = lessons learned.
Those fics where I think it's the pairing/setting that puts people off and where you could click if you want to make me happy:
Ca Ira, an OC femslash slayer at the French Revolution, where I love the voices I've created. Lovely comments on that, but sadly few readers.
Seasons Keep on Marching, Giles/Lilah - which was for Get It Done and I'm delighted to have the bunny out of my head. And is angsty as all get out. But still.
Persistent Illusion, Dean/Cassie, the canon pairing no one loves. But this was so much fun to write and also there is gorgeous art to enjoy.
Story that could have been better?
Two answers here. One is that churning out femslash_minis, some are always better than others, and some pairings just don't gel for me. Which is fine, and in the nature of the game if you're being given quickie challenges. I'd rather write them out and see how they go than drop out. But some are definitely pedestrian.
Second answer:
On the Edge of the Fight, where my laptop crashed in mid flow for the first rough draft, and I lost stuff I was loving writing. The replacement is still fun, but lost paras *hurt*.
Sexiest story?
Biddable, which is plain porn. On The Edge of the Fight has what Snick called a short but incredibly thorough sex scene, which I like. And Dovetail Shuffle has one or two scenes which are proper porn.
I seem to have written a lot of awkward sex this year, though, in Team Slayer and Proverbs, plus
Never Have I Ever which is a first time Dean fic full of truths culled from RL conversations. Which in some ways I prefer, especially among characters where I've been writing them having successful love lives for a looooong time.
Most fun story?
Lots that I've mentioned - Never Have I Ever, Dovetail Shuffle, Ca Ira, and
Ver Sacrum which was my seasonal Spuffy for this round and did away with all that post-series sorting things out in favour of Moar Adventurin'. Also, one of my Yuletides makes *me* laugh, and I'll be delighted to share with you when the reveal happens on Tuesday.
Story with single sweetest moment?
The Road is Life ending. Or the Dawn POV epilogue to Team Slayer, maybe. And
Whispering Gallery, for Spuffy observed by others.
Hardest story to write?
Oof, Green Card. Which, I'm afraid, is probably done for. I reckon stop reading at season six and ignore the false start of season seven. Sorry.
The Proverbs verse also petered out, but I haven't wholly abandoned that. Various other fics gave me fits at times, including some shorts which I would once have knocked out without thought. So it goes.
Easiest story to write?
Dovetail Shuffle was mapped out and half written about three hours after I saw the prompt, which is not usual for me with a 7k fic.
But mostly,
Team Slayer. I didn't know where it was going till about halfway through, and I think some people were expecting another 15 episodes at the point where it ended, but I'm really happy with how it worked out. If I can manage another like that next year, it will be a good fic year.
New Year Fic Resolutions? (new question because I want to write them down)
Try a 5 Things fic. Don't get knocked back by lack of comments in SPN/J2 and write on if I find things I want to write. Try to look afresh at the Jossverse, because I'm getting stale. Keep writing for multi-fandom ficathons, because there's a lot of fun to be had out there.
*Possibly* run a 'tropes that didn't catch on' ficathon, which I think would be enormous fun, and Barb can have her daemon fic alongside that Convent!AU we were going to write. But only if someone joins me, obvs.
And it just remains to thank
cassiopeia7 for my gingerbread man. Tasty! :)
ETA and also to curse the new posting interface which makes fixing coding eff ups less fun than ever. And we know how I looove to code.