Grr Argh: Get It Done enters its final preparatory phase

Nov 30, 2012 20:46

Linking to my gentle reminder that there are five days till the Get It Done deadline, of 5 December.

I suck at modding. I feel bad cos there are flisters feeling the deadline stress. But I suppose that's kind of the point of a ficathon like this, and my vague guilty feelings are senseless.

Also, though my GiD fic is indeed done, my Yuletide is a scrappy pile of nothingness and I am myself verging on panic because OMG no time to fix over the next few weekends and I love the fandom and I want to do something at least slightly worth reading in it so... Ack, ack, ack.

What I'm saying is: solidarity.

Also, please cross your fingers for my dad, who is at present finding out (slowly, over some hours or even days), whether all of his artificial replumbing gubbins can stay out and he can really start getting back to normal. He's much better anyway, following a month of being completely knocked out by secondary infections and massive antibiotics, but if they have to do another (fifth) emergency admission and replumbing he is going to be depressed and back at square one. And, judging by the past few admissions, also at risk of another sodding infection.

Which sounds like I'm saying fandom stuff isn't that important. It is. It's important because we love it, ergo it matters. Hence we fret. Etc. But there is room for other fretting in life too.

Fingers crossed. Fingers crossed.

get it done, writing life, real life

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