
Nov 18, 2012 00:21

There's so much fic to be written, and yet what have I done today?

Written fic that is not on the List of Doom. 5000 words of fairly explicit m/m slash kink, at that. All that stuff I find hard to write. It would cover quite a few of my kink bingo squares too, though sadly not all in a neat line. Considering I gave that bingo up as unworkable for me, it's quite the surprise.

It's posted anon at the moment but I will probably claim this one and repost here and/or at AO3, when I've stopped boggling at myself. What? Why? How did this happen?

WriterconUK buddies will be pleased to note it stemmed from a prompt which was more situational/emotional than about hardware or particular positions. I am, at least, consistent in being prompted.

writing life

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