
Nov 12, 2012 20:09

Three consecutive posts on my flist this morning were about hair. Hair. Yes. And only one of them was about Sam Winchester's eternally changing and largely unsatisfactory do ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

shapinglight November 12 2012, 20:14:13 UTC
Christmas shopping?

Aargh! I'd forgotten about that.

I have to post my letsgetitdone fic and my seasonal_spuffy fic on the same day. Well, I know I could post the first one before then, but it won't be ready until the final deadline, seeing as I'm still writing it.

Are you another one drifting off to the SPN fandom? I wish I got the attraction, but I'm afraid it escapes me completely. ;)


brutti_ma_buoni November 12 2012, 20:27:37 UTC
Don't think about Christmas, and perhaps it'll go away.

I've been reading SPN for a couple of years, just starting to write. I don't expect to drift off speedily, but it's fun. (Not least because no one much there thinks that LJ is dying, which makes for a considerably chirpier flist.)

The attraction is very largely visual, I'm afraid. Am shallow.


shapinglight November 12 2012, 20:31:31 UTC
The attraction is very largely visual, I'm afraid. Am shallow.

Sadly for me, I don't even get that bit.

Cheering to hear other parts of LJ are still going strong, though.


penny_lane_42 November 12 2012, 20:58:05 UTC
Oh, one of those is mine! I really don't know of any reason why other people would be talking about hair? That's funny!


brutti_ma_buoni November 12 2012, 21:09:55 UTC
I know, yours seemed like such a normal passing I'm Having Hair Thoughts Today post, but it's sitting there alongside the others in this Hair Corner of my flist. o_O

I have no hair icons. This is sad.


snickfic November 12 2012, 21:06:06 UTC
The thing about being a newbie minnow in a Ginormo-fandom is that nobody knows you from a oldbie minnow. Or possibly even a MNF from some part of the fandom they don't frequent. It's an easy fandom to get lost in.

That is unfortunate about the RBB and the SS being the same day, though. :(

Which RBB fics so far have you particularly liked? I haven't had much luck thus far, reading-wise.


brutti_ma_buoni November 12 2012, 22:21:49 UTC
I'm going an awful lot by authors I know - girlguidejones, deirdre_c, bertee (which is a JDM/Jensen fic which I do not ever read but also has baked goods and is lovely in a quiet way).

But maybe no one will read my stories? *lipwobble* (Why I worry, I don't know. I'm lucky to get more than one comment on my f/f most of the time and it never stops me writing the next one. Well, okay, I do know: it's new, and therefore I am wary to the point of insanity. Dratted subconscious.)


snickfic November 13 2012, 21:07:30 UTC
Ah. I like deirdre_c, but I don't read Sam/Dean, so that cuts out her and girlguidejones. I usually don't read JDM/Jensen, either, but I read that one anyway because I recalled the art being cool. :)

Aw, I'm pretty sure you'll manage at least a couple of comments! And tbh, your author has a pretty decent following, so I suspect you might reach some additional people that way. :)


snogged November 13 2012, 00:15:26 UTC
I have no idea when I'm going to accomplish Christmas shopping.
But it will happen...eventually.


brutti_ma_buoni November 13 2012, 19:05:25 UTC
I have a long Amazon wishlist. No idea who gets which book yet, but I'm telling myself it's a start...


ladyofthelog November 13 2012, 06:49:34 UTC
It's always weird going from being established to being the minnow, especially in fandoms that aren't so fresh and new themselves. I think the point where I started to get people actually reading my SGA fic was unfortunately the point where I got into Teen Wolf. OOPS.

(And now I'm writing a Buffy crossover! The world comes full circle!)

No idea about the hair; it's a mystery. I had a bad hair day today, which, when you've got hair this short, is pretty bad. I wore a headband with a very large bow.


brutti_ma_buoni November 13 2012, 19:07:58 UTC
And here I am writing those ever popular ships Dean/Cassie and general consensual multi RPF (both casual and established)... Ach well, it will be salutory if nothing else.

My hair was both limp and inexplicably flicky today (when I needed Competent Formal hair for an inspection). I urge you not to notice any hair-related posts on your flist. Clearly karma doesn't like it.


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