Fic panic

Oct 05, 2012 19:32

Just to keep things nice and tidy:
  • SPN Reversebang: draft due end of October
  • Yuletide: due before Christmas, and I want to sign up for something challenging
  • Halloweeny fic thing that is failing to happen so far, woe: due end of October
  • Remix invite (not sure yet): tbc
  • Seasonal Spuffy: due probably mid November, as I'm easy on my assignment window
  • Baba Yaga bunny which I WILL write: any time, it's going into the sb_ashtray. But it's open on my desktop now.
  • Get It Done fic: draft due end of October, must not be late for own motivationathon...


Yeah. So, fic. Reversebang and Get It Done are each in a sort of horrible rough first draft version which I've yet to read thru let alone join up or share with my artists. Everything else is purely theoretical.

As usual, I've signed up for seasonal_spuffy without a clue or a bunny. What in heck can I write? I need a prompt or an inspiration or *something* to get started with.

Anyone got some nice random photos I could play with?

writing life

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