Just a brief reminder that if you haven't signed up for
letsgetitdone, there is still time, and the reminders WILL KEEP COMING till the end of the month. Yes they will. And thanks to
ashes1753 for moar banners and icon-y goodness! *loves*
If you're an artist, or you know any artists who might be interested, especially in collaborating with a writer to illustrate a story, please to be getting involved. I'll take art signups wherever I can get them. Fandom is *not* ready for a mini bang illustrated primarily by me. Believe me.
And anyone who's a new fanwork creator, we would love to have you aboard and we'll help you all we can. You can sign up for a drabble, an icon, an epic story, your first vid - anything you've always wanted to try but haven't quite had reason to start. Now you have a reason!