(no subject)

May 16, 2012 20:09

A plumber was here today, telling me previous plumber didn't notice fundamental problem. With the loo, of all things I can't readily do without for a few days. (I'm sure it is *possible*, but I really, really don't want to.) So there will be expense and another day off work at a time when I need to be there.

Life is a wee bit sucky, tbh. Entirely for boring practical reasons like double glazing, plumbing and irritating work stuff. My choosing to do a distance learning course right now is looking very optimistic (I should have got some stuff done today, but it's unsurprisingly hard to focus on academic prose when there's a bloke going, "Oh... oh, fucking hell" as he investigates your toilet.) I may also possibly come to writerconuk straight from an irritating meeting in Brum. I give you fair warning that alcohol is likely to be required at an early stage.

Though I *did* get to play with fire extinguishers at work today. That was fun. And therapeutic. The CO2 ones reeeeally go off loudly.

But, meantime, please to be playing with something mildly awesome that my work has done - specifically, some people I work alongside, who have been working their guts out for years on this. We have put a bunch of UK records online for the Olympics and Paralympics - it's both about all the past Games, and what we're doing to preserve records of London 2012.

Being government records, they do tend to be as much about diplomatic palavers as about sporting excellence. But that makes it *so* much more interesting... The sniffy stuff about the 1944 Games that weren't, for example, is fairly hilarious. Seriously, there's a British civil servant in the midst of WW2 writing about how the 1940 Games were meant to be in Tokyo but it became apparent that Japan might have difficulty in hosting them... I'll bet.

only boring people are bored, work, olympics

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