So let's try a thing...

Apr 13, 2012 17:13

We established yesterday that you people are LJ-bored, and in some cases bored for other reasons too. So am I. Playtime?

snickfic dug out this old meme, which amused us back in the day: Give me the title of a story I've never written, and feedback telling me what you liked best about it, and I will tell you any of: the first sentence, the last sentence, the thing that made me want to write it, the biggest problem I had while writing it, why it almost never got posted, the scene that hit the cutting room floor but that I wish I'd been able to salvage, or something else that I want readers to know.

And I would love to play that, if anyone would like to feed me. Then I would not be bored.


But until then, I would still be bored. So instead/as well I thought I'd try reversing the polarity, kind of, and telling you guys, you wonderful authors, and would-be-authors, and people-who-don't-write-fic-but-might-meme, about that fic you wrote that I really enjoyed. And then you can tell me about it.

(One generic prompt was going to be too dull, so take your pick of the following. Even if you're not a writer, how do you *think* you'd write one of these? 2 or 3 could be any fandom, btw...)


1. Well, it has to be Greater Things, doesn't it? The way you plotted that out, it made me see Buffy the way I never had before. Totally turned my understanding of *that* season on its head. Amazing!


2. I'm so bad at remembering names, was the whole fic called Images? You used a different subtitle for each chapter, anyway, and they made me laugh. But it was the constant POV switches among the gang that I really do remember. It's the kind of trick that can feel gimmicky, but you handled it incredibly well. And what a great OC! I won't forget Trace anytime soon.


3. Okay, you surprised me with Point of Origin (in a good way). I know you write romance sometimes, but I would never have expected such a sexy take on this pair. (*fans self at the memory*) Plus, you took a fandom cliche I swore I'd stopped reading and made it fresh again.


only boring people are bored

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