It's my day at Seasonal Spuffy!

Sep 23, 2011 18:26

Seasonal Spuffy is working via Dreamwidth these days, though I hope you're all following the feed if you prefer your journals LJ-flavoured.

However, I didn't want you to miss out just in case you hadn't caught up after the move*, because this fic, flist-o-mine, is all your fault.

I asked what you wanted to read. And the answers were many. And the answers were contradictory. You asked for an apocalypse. You asked for season 2. You asked for season 4. You asked for dragons, and time travel, and various of my verses. And you're getting'em. Except the verses.

Go here: for the first part of To Cancel Half A Line. Second part linked from the first. Or read the whole thing on AO3 if you prefer.

*This is a naked plea for comments. Please give generously.

If you're not so Spuffy-oriented, you might like to note we could do with more participants at femslash_minis where we're currently doing signups for a Doppelgangers round. Canon alternate verses, or AUs we never saw onscreen. I want someone to write me Buffy/Faith where Faith was called first. I am pretty damn excited about that idea. As usual, you need to join the comm to see signup posts, so don't be surprised if it's not immediately visible.
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