*limp wave*

Sep 06, 2011 18:10

Home. Tired. Roof appears to be falling apart in high winds and rain (well, is big bit of mortar on front path from somewhere, I find this sinister). Fox crap also on front path. Have to work at 8am tomorrow (not least because we are in mid-restructure and I have to submit my job applications by end of tomorrow meep. Big career decisions, rather than fear of unemployment, but still daunting.).

I wish I was still in Strasbourg. Or at any rate on holiday somewhere not here. Woe. Why did it all have to function so smoothly that my 400 mile return journey took just 6 hours, including one spent at Gare du Nord waiting for the Eurostar? Plus another hour to get to my house from St Pancras, admittedly. I don't wanna be home.

It's in moods like this that people book their next holiday, isn't it?

I've been keeping up with reading the flist, but not commenting a lot, mostly through doziness. The holiday was lovely, and I have 350+ photos uploading which will help me to explain just how lovely at some future date. It will be both educational and fun. *severe look*

I haven't written a sentence for seasonal_spuffy. I think I'm panicking. Does anyone have an idea I can steal? Failing that:

Poll Seasonal Spuffy emergency help

*Participating in the poll does not constitute a guarantee pollees will get what they want. I may write Dragon Spuffy instead.
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