I hate flying ants.

Jul 11, 2011 18:48

I do. And they are swarming today. *shudder*

The end of the fanfic meme approacheth, abruptly:

26 - What is the oddest (or funnest) thing you've had to research for a fic?

I've been trying to think of this since I first read the meme, and I'm coming up blank. I do check things, of course, but research is my day job and 'a quick squint at Wikipedia/google earth' is my primary method of checking out fandom stuff. It's still interesting - the alchemy vocab, for example, was exciting last week - but it's so far from my 'real' research it doesn't really register. If I start thinking of it as like work, I'll probably give up completely!

27 - Where is your favorite place to write, and do you write by hand or on the computer?

On my laptop, at home, but location anywhere in my flat (which is tiny, so this covers all the possible options a) bed and b) sofa). I also write in Starbucks and the like, on my netbook, but its tiny little keys annoy me. I scribble longhand notes on the bus if I'm living a story and get dialogue ideas or something; proper scribble on bus tickets and makeshift bookmarks that's just enough to reconstruct where my brain went in transit.

28 - Have you ever collaborated with anyone else, whether writing together, or having an artist work on a piece about your fic?

Nope. The closest I've come is begging katekat1010 for fic posters. Ohhh, except, my lasting contribution to fandom was writing a couple of dozen words that set quinara and others off on penguin!Spuffy. Which means Q's penguin fic is part credited to me on AO3, which is highly unjust as she wrote about 98.7% of it.

29 - What is your current project or projects?

Green card verse! Temporarily taking a breather, but nonetheless still my only WIP. There's a lot in season 6 and 7 I want to explore from where I left characters in s5.

30 - Do you have a favorite fic you've written? What makes it your favorite? And don't forget to give us a link!

For a standalone, An End of It, Darla/OMC, R. I love it because it's not just churned out like many of my fics. I thought about the wording, the setup, what it was feasible for Darla to have been doing at Versailles and where the compromises were made to allow her to pretend to be human. I like the outsider POV too; Luc has been called a monster in comments, but to me he's more weak and enthralled by this amazing woman. More like Spike than I think Spike would like to consider, but with reversed results.

But really, it's the Rulesverse, because it's MINE. The relationships are post-canon, and I've gone with my gut, rather than any canonical drive. I adore the Giles/Faith relationship, which is so awkward and heartfelt; I'm proud not to have handwaved the Spuffy kids issue; and my Wes/Illyria actually makes me quite emotional, which is very sad of me. Writing your own post-canon verse gives you freedom - the only boundaries are my own decisions, and I can focus in where I choose. I'm barely writing in it at the moment, but I've no intention of declaring it closed. There's space for more.

If you're doing this meme, btw, I'm almost certainly reading your answers. It interests me, but I've not got a lot to say in response for some reason.

meme, writing life

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