I think I must be cheerful

Apr 11, 2011 18:43

...because I'm sketching out an incredibly depressing post-Apocalyptic Faith/Wesley/Giles fic. (Not Rulesverse, no sir.) It's only flashes of scenes, no plot to speak of, but it won't leave me alone. Could be a perky little summer_of_giles contribution if it goes anywhere...

I've reposted Crossing at still_grrr for their AU month. Technically, I suppose I write an awful lot of AUs, what with the crazed pairings, but this is one which is classically AU, taking parts of AtS season 5 and rewriting them so that Spike contacted Buffy from the first. I need to pick at least one of my BtVS AUs to share too, unless inspiration strikes and I write something new for this.

This entry was originally posted at http://bruttimabuoni.dreamwidth.org/198927.html. You can comment here or there as you please!
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