femslash_minis is about to have its last round before Christmas break. The theme is Slayers. As in... any Slayers. Evah! I've just foolishly said I could try to write anything in Europe for the last 2000 years (I'd have gone wider, ideally, but it's a one-week deadline for fics and I'd never be able to do it justice with research in that time. Europe is my comfort zone.) So if you have a favourite Slayer scenario, for a canon Slayer or a nameless Slayer past or future, which could include an f/f aspect,
come and join us. (Btw, if you're not a member of the comm, that link won't display, so sign up and THEN click to join us!). Seriously, this is exciting to me! It doesn't have to be history, of course - in fact, I've done two pretty much in-canon prompts for BtVS, on the assumption not everyone in the comm is a deranged historian.
Whee! Fic update! The third and final part of my Faith and Wesley story, Taking Care of Business, is
now posted here.
Part one and
part two are here. I had a ball writing this, and it's great to be able to post it after having to sit on it for weeks! It's a small comm, so I suppose I'm going to have to go out and pimp this one properly. Sigh. I'm a lousy self-pimper. (Pimp? Pimper sounds wrong. Anyway, I suck at it.) Maybe tomorrow.