OMG fandom you let me down

Nov 03, 2010 20:10

Better day today. So I finally opened the Lovefilm DVD rental that's been lurking for a while. I feel a little as though I'm being unfaithful to BtVS, because it's season one, disc one of SPN (oh noes!).

So, halfway through the pilot I am not going to have deep thoughts about the programme already. But what I am shocked (SHOCKED!) about is that I've had the two actors swapped round in my head all this time. Sam is Dean. Dean is Sam. The one I thought was the older, responsible one is the younger one. Who may or may not be responsible, because evidently I know nothing. How did I get it so wrong? How have I hung around with you lot so long without noticing my fundamental attribution error in the world of J2?

random fandom

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