Ficlet: Anya, Dawn: After the World Ends

Oct 11, 2010 18:19

Mammoth holiday photo post to follow, but first, this comment fic is a teensy bit too long for comments:

Author Brutti ma buoni
Title After the World Ends
Characters Anya, Dawn
Rating/Warnings PGish, but with angst and lots and lots of implied character deaths
Prompt for the Bechdel Test ficathon, prompt by snickfic, ‘afterwards and all alone’
A/N An ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

curiouswombat October 11 2010, 18:27:00 UTC
That's my girls!


brutti_ma_buoni October 12 2010, 19:09:10 UTC
They are pretty good survivors, if pushed!


slaymesoftly October 11 2010, 19:38:55 UTC
Oh my. A very different take on the end of season five, isn't it? Good job.


brutti_ma_buoni October 12 2010, 19:09:33 UTC
I prefer the canon one! But it's fun to imagine others.


snickfic October 12 2010, 01:25:12 UTC
Oh, neat! Thank you! It's easy to forget that Anya had serious survival skillz, once upon a time. Her practicality would come in awfully handy in a post-apocalyptic world.


brutti_ma_buoni October 12 2010, 19:11:44 UTC
You're welcome! It was going to be a very bleak world, but I just can't see Anya sitting around moping long term.


artemis_ephesus October 12 2010, 07:02:17 UTC
Oh, what a bittersweet twist on the Gift! It took me a moment to figure it out, to be honest... Bit slow after a long day at work. But really, this is original and very true to the characters. Nice!

Oh, and I love that Anya icon, snickfic!


brutti_ma_buoni October 12 2010, 19:16:03 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it! I was trying to think how the two of them could have survived together, and extreme age seemed one thing they had in common.


ever_neutral October 12 2010, 08:14:21 UTC
Depressing and hopeful. Nicely done. ;)


brutti_ma_buoni October 12 2010, 19:16:34 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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