
Oct 10, 2010 16:44

1) I know you have many things to post for Something Blue at fantas_magoria. C'm on people, get them ready for this coming week's extravaganza. If anyone has some good Doyle stuff, please also post for Hero - it's his last hurrah, and due to scheduling clashes he needs a special cheering section of his own. From Monday, get posting!

2) The Bechdel Test ficathon is ongoing, and I have fic for you: Illyria, Jasmine - 'a long, long time ago', regrettably titled Clash of the Titans, but don't let that put you off. (I'm on holiday! My brain is mush!)

That glint of remembered blue, and The Power Formerly Known as Jasmine knew she’d returned, “Goodness. I haven’t seen you around here for a long, long time. Are you well, sister?”

“I am not your sister. I am… done.” Illyria was bloodied, quiet. Unlike herself, in Jasmine’s memory, except in her rejection of Jasmine’s overtures. Some Old Ones have no sense of family.

Still, Jasmine wasn’t about to let all manners slip. “Did you find your army? I remember you were always planning to…”

She was cut off. “No. They are gone. Scattered like chaff in the winds of time. The humans rule my world.” Illyria, oddly, didn’t seem angered by this. Which wasn’t entirely how Jasmine saw things.

“Yes. I saw that unfortunate situation. Felt it, if you want the honest truth. I came down to your world a while back.”

Illyria looked at her, cold and unresponsive. “Yes. You left traces. I was surprised. I thought meat-magic skittering crawling beast-imbeciles were your ideal.”

Don’t let her get to you. “No. I decided humans were more challenging. There’s so much more to learn when they try to defy you.”

“Defying the fates is perhaps the noblest trait of the human animal. A rebellion against the inevitable wrong is the greatest act I know.” That was Illyria speaking? Seriously? Jasmine was starting to feel that something had gone terribly wrong with the other deity’s time on earth.

“They defied me, and suffered. It was a righteous decision. They should have conformed, and been happy.” Jasmine felt odd, almost defensive, under Illyria’s gaze.

“You understand nothing.”

As Illyria stalked away, Jasmine felt a tingle at the back of where her skull would have been had she been human. She thought, perhaps, she’d just escaped a second furious fist of death.

But Old Ones and Powers don’t do such things.

Do they?

3) I also get fic from this - jnb71976 wrote me very lovely Willow&Dawn from season five for the prompt checkmate. Go and share the love.

ETA: Ooh, and another prompt just filled for Firefly: River, Kaylee, 'what makes it work?' Angel in the Engine by demonqueen666. Whee!

4) It's my last full day here, woe. I had a great if slightly vertiginous time across the river in Villeneuve lez Avignon, plus some comedy service in a restaurant which saved us standing around in the rain for ages, so will become a happy holiday story. I discovered that I'm far from the only one going by train - virtually all the group leave tomorrow by TGV, though sadly not all on the same train. They've been a pleasure to hang around with, and I still have one good meal out to come, so yay.

real life, my fic

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