I'm selling my old textbooks. My ebay auction is at
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6917421930 (link should work) That's for "Our Philosophical Heritage" by Andrew Schoedinger, Third Edition, second revised printing. For some odd reason I can't find this book used ANYWHERE. So if you need it, this is probably the cheapest it comes.
And then I have a bunch on ecampus.com I'm not sure if there is any way for me to link it. :/ But if you go there and look up these ISBN #s, I'm Brutalbunny and in all but one the cheapest listed in the marketplace. ISBN: 0205319114 (The Curious Researcher)
ISBN: 0534394205 (Finite Mathematics...)
ISBN: 0130447315 (Prentice Hall Guide for College Writers)
ISBN: 0767406168 (Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in Sociology)
This is the worst post ever. Stop reading it.
PS. I watched Fight Club last night for the first time and it was nothing like I expected. It didn't suck at all. In fact, it stuck with me and invaded my dreams last night. I want to watch it again just so I can get all the little clues that were snuck in. Though, I thought it was funny how much they discussed consumerism in negative terms yet characters were asked if they wanted "a Pepsi" and there was a soda machine shown. Of course, if they used fake brands it probably wouldn't have made such an impact. Like if they said "Atoa" or something in place of "IKEA".