Mar 04, 2004 01:02
A Place Called Home
Kim Richey
Well, it seems like so long ago
But it really ain't you know
I started out a crazy kid
Miracle I made it through the things I did
The things I did
Someday I'll go where there ain't no rain or snow
‘Til then, I travel alone
And I make my bed with the stars above my head
And dream of a place called home
I had a chance to settle down
Get a job and live in town
Work in some old factory
I never liked the foreman standing over me
Over me
Oh I’d rather walk a winding road
Rather know the things I know
See the world with my own eyes
No regrets, no looking back, no goodbyes
No goodbyes
Someday I'll go where there ain't no rain or snow
‘Til then, I travel alone
And I make my bed with the stars above my head
And I dream of a place called home
"I took the end of this episode to mean that whatever, wherever, however Fred's soul went/did/was/is whatever.. I believe, or like to believe that that is where Fred's essence perpetually is now. That she isn't 'gone.' That she's reliving that point in her life which was bittersweet but perhaps the best moment in her life. Though leaving her loving family behind, Fred was getting in that car and heading towards her destiny. It doesn't matter that her destiny was to struggle for five years in a cave hiding from Lorne's distant relatives, and then eventually get gutted out like a jackolantern and turned into Illin'yria. She didn't know any of that. The point was she was facing that destiny. Frightened but brave. That's our Fred. Forever.
Hell is reliving the worst moments of your life over and over. Heaven is reliving the best moments of your life. I kinda like that sentiment." - Zach