Dec 08, 2009 17:17
My back has been screwed up since the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I went to take a shower that morning, and putting my arms over my head to take off a shirt was excruciating. I could barely lay down (or sit back up after laying down). I went to see lto anyways, since going to the city in pain was more tolerable than sitting around the in-laws house in pain. Especially since mother-in-law has issues that I wouldn't exactly appreciate people trying to make a comparison between our issues.
Pain kept going, just gradually getting a little more tolerable day by day. Got vicodin on Monday from Urgent Care so that I could at least have some amount of time without pain, since it was going to take a week to get in with my back doc. Learned that they try to avoid giving people like me the good shit, since I'd be classified as having "chronic pain" and so they try and delay the narcotic pain meds as long as possible to avoid or delay addiction.
Saw back doc today. She just gave me anti-inflammitories, muscle relaxants, and an order for PT. I asked her if there would be any use in taking the rods out, since I seem to keep getting issues in the same spot. She said that taking out that hook could be an option, but she didn't really know. And that I'd likely be best to go back to TC Spine Center. The hook thing seems a little brutal itself since they apparently cut the rod.
So, I'm going back to see Lonstein next week. Amazing that I got in that quickly. But nice since I hit my deductible for this year already, so I'll only have to pay 20% of the allowed (whatever the insurance thinks should be paid for the procedure). My insurance after hitting the massive deductable is pretty sweet... I paid about $0.87 for my vicodin.
Just hope work isn't bitchy about me taking half days two Tuesdays in a row for doctor appointments. I could have gone back today, but just took a half day so I could relax after since I have the vacation days. Had no clue I'd be able to see Lonstein so quickly.