Feb 18, 2006 10:45
Wendy's in town. Sunday last weekend she was washing her face and felt something happen in her eye. She came out of the bathroom and said part of her vision was blurry on the left side. We figured she might have just gotten something in her eye so we didn't do anything. By monday morning she was about 40% blind in that eye. Since we were on our way to Champaign we called around to a few opthamologists and managed to get in touch with a guy that would see her. His first thought was a torn retina and he confirmed that quickly.
By five that evening we were at the hospital seeing the only retina specialist within a hundred miles. Luckily the tear and the detachment was not as bad as it can be. He was able to treat it with a procedure called a pneumatic retinalplexi. Basically he stuck a needle into her eye and inserted a gas bubble that would push the retina back into place, as long as she sat upright for twenty four hours a day all week. The doctor seemed somewhat surprised that by tuesday already the retina was about 90% recovered. He consolidated the gains with a laser treatment to weld it in place. Apparently that laser treatment hurts a lot. like making your gums ache kind of hurt. By thursday one more short laser treatment and her vision is back to it's original state. She's really freaking tired since today is the first day she's been allowed to lay down in a week.