Aug 07, 2006 23:58
guess where that quote is from and you'll get a cookie!
anyways survey time!
1. You are in the Witness Protection Program and must invent a new first, middle, and last name: Madison Michelle Michaels
2. You are in a threesome with two famous people, alive or dead. Who are they? damn.....uhhh the guy from the commericals and the cute brother of mia's best friend in the princess diaries....oooo man that would be very sexy....
3. You are in charge of naming your new band. What's the name of the band? Stix of Fish
4. You are going to get a free tattoo. What would it be? Hahahaha! my next tattoo: pink hibeious flower with green leaves oh yah right in the middle of my lower back
5. You are being forced to listen to one song over and over, ad infinitum, as a form of torture. What song would it be? Woman by Wolfmother or Love Train by the same band
6. You are leaving your state/province. What state do you move to? if i had the $$$ either: Cali, Washington State, or Hawaii
7. You are leaving your country, where would you move? Italy, Canada or Spain...or England cause they kicking everyones ass in currency
8. You get to choose one book as the best ever written. What book do you choose? On the Road
9. You get to choose one movie as the best ever made. What movie do you choose? damn.....crash was very good but i dk
10. You get to spend one day each as a bird, an insect, and a
mammal. What bird would you be? What insect? What mammal? A hawk, a dolphin, and a bumble bee cause they look furry
11. You get to relive one year of your life. Which year? 2005 the end of it or 2001
12. Which would you least like to relive? uhhhh 2003
13. You have a time machine that will take you backwards anywhere from 1800 to the present. What decade do you most want to visit? the 70s man!
14. You must choose to go skydiving or very-deep-sea diving: sky diving!
15. You get to return to the past (using that handy dandy time machine we were talking about before) and have a sexual encounter with a movie star that is no longer alive: george burns hahahahahaha! chris reeve during the superman years
16. You get to be a contestant on any game show, airing today or in the past. What show do you want to be on? Password or one of those in the 70s
17. You are given $1 million dollars but you must give it all to one charity. What charity do you choose? some adoption one
18. You must ban one word from the dictionary and all usage to be no longer uttered or written. What word do you ban? "stragitary"
19. You can have 100 million dollars tax-free but if you take it, you'll die at the age of 50. Do you take it? no i rather become an old crazy grandma that never stops partying!
so anyways yah i didnt update about canada cause i'm too lazy to get the photos off the camera i know how said for u.
i will try
but in the meantime
16 more days til i leave this god forsaken place called mequon
1 statement of purpose i still need to write
at least 5 hoursish i need to beat kingdom hearts
3 bills i need to pay
jon turned 21 last friday (happy birthday sweetie :))
2 dumb ass offices @ NMU that screwed up my fucking loan and housing!
12 movies in my damn netflix quere i wanna see before i leave for school!
so i got a call from my new roommate stacy, from stevens point shes pretty cool sounding so far, i'll talk to her later this week and figure shit out.
jon's birthday surprise went well and i think my alcohol tolerence went up yay! hahahaha wow. this weekend is thr rugby union meeting either sat or sunday not sure when but yah ok now its sunday! so now i get to work for heidi on saturday which is fine cause i need $$$$$$