i dont wanna start my g.d. project

Mar 14, 2006 17:44

g.d.= graphic design and i stole this from andera! thankie!

How many keys are on your keychain? dorm key, car key, mom's apt key, key to my room @ my dad's cause my sister steals!

Do you own an iPod? yes i do. right now its being weird though

Who on your Myspace "Top 8" do you talk to the most? i never really go on myspace

What time is your alarm clock set for? 8am ick.....

How many suitcases do you own? 1!

Do you wear flip-flops even when it's cold outside? no are u kidding me? come up here and LOOK

Where do you buy your groceries from? hahaha i steal from the mp and get stuff from cat trax or walmart or target..basically anywhere

Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? take them cause then i cherish them forever....or stalk people with them...MUAHAHAHA! ahem anyways...................

What was the last movie you watched? just friends and now we are watching the complete series of jackass

Do any of your friends have children? yea

If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy? pay off college then get some alcohol and party it up

Has anyone ever called you lazy? yea i think today someone has, then again today everyone is cause its a SNOW DAY!!!

Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? nah, i'm usually too tried anyways

What CD is currently in your CD player? no cd, ipod

Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? chocolate!

Has anyone told you a secret this week? yea

When was the last time someone hit on you? i cant remember right now

What did you have for dinner last night? nasty mp food of beef tips and rice.... and that was about it. THERE IS NO FOOD HERE @ NMU at least in the mp

Do you wear hoodies often? yea my soft white rugby one

Can you whistle? kinda

Have you ever participated in a protest? hehee not really

Who was the last person to text message you? jon asking if i had a snow day

What is your favorite ride at an amusement park? raging bull, superman

Do you think people talk about you behind your back? probably, most likely but fuck 'em

What area code are you in right now? 906 motherfucker!

Did you watch cartoons as a child? its a sin if u haven't

How big is your local mall? WOW......lets not go there

How many siblings do you have? 1...and shes an asshole

Are you shy around the opposite sex? most of my friends are guys

What is your biggest regret? there have been a few but i dont remember

Have you ever had Jamba Juice? yah

When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt? a while ago

What movie do you know every line to? there's some

Do you own any band t-shirts? led zeppelin, the beatles, weezer somewhere

When was your last plane ride? june of last year

How many chairs are at your dining room table? ZERO!

What is your favorite salad dressing? french!

Do you read for fun? yea

Can you speak any languages other than English? none as of now besides some latin and spainsh

Do you do your own dishes? yes i am in college

What color is your bedroom painted? these blueish/greyish/whitesh color cant paint...

Have you ever cried in public? yea but i try not too

Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? 2 laptops, my mac (the school gave me) and the one i brought, my fat ass

Which do you make: wishes or plans? both! because u cant make some plans without wishes!

Are you always trying to learn new things? hell yea

Do you shower on a daily basis? everyday makes ur hair icky about everyother day

Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? one more tattoo

Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date? for @ least part of it!

Can you skip rocks? sometimes

Have you ever been to Jamaica? no

What to snack on at the movie theatres? bunchacrunch

Who was your favorite teacher? right now i'd have to go for milkie she's awesome and a sweetheart

Have you ever dated someone out of your race? no but i makeout with someone who was

What is the weather like? WINDY with a side of blizzard

Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? probably not but who knows

Do you have an online journal? where am i putting this again?

What was your favorite class in high school? photo!

Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes? yea

What personality trait is a must-have in the opposite sex? a good sense of humor

Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive? i dont believe so

When was the last time you slept on the floor? idk

What is your favorite alcoholic drink? soo andi soco is good but man...but......theres just so many!

Does your closest Starbucks have a drive-thru? the only starbucks in the U.P is at my school which is about a 200 yards away from my dorm, u think the guy who started starbucks and who IS AN ALUMNI OF MY SCHOOL who do something about it

Do you like your living arrangement? i want to be on the 1st floor again!

What is your mother's hometown? milwaukee, wi

How many hours of sleep do you need to function? 8-9 to be fully functioned 7 hrs is only a beta tested verison of jen

Do you eat breakfast daily? no

What was the last thing to scare you? requiem for a dream

Are your days full and fast-paced? depends which days

Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? haha no

What is your favorite fruit? strawberries, peaches, kiwi fruit

Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages? not really

How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 19!

Are you picky about spelling and grammar? no

Do you believe in life on other planets? yea

Have you ever been to Six Flags? hahah yea

Who was the last person to piss you off? speedbump for waking my ass up

Do you believe that God has a gender? no

What was the last thing you ate? a choco-chocolate chip muffin!

Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex? opposite

What did you dress up as for your first Halloween? a pumpkin

How did your parents pick your name? not sure it was between my name or sara

Do you like mustard? eh

What do you tell yourself when times get hard? ................

Would you ever sky dive? yea

Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? the side

What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself? i like brad pitt's rusty character in both of the ocean's 11 and 12 movies

Have you ever bid for something on ebay? brought no bid

What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant? no

do you enjoy giving hugs? yay

Would you consider yourself to be fashionable? not really

Do you own a digital camera? yes

If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? flattered but thats about it

What celebrities have you been compared to? sandra bullock

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? chewy!

Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do? yea

What books, if any, have made you cry? no

Do you think you're attractive? yea

What are you allergic to? nothing

Are you a jealous person? at times

Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat? ummm not really

If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? i dont know i'm adopted

Did you ever celebrate "Pi Day" in school? yea kinda!

i'm lazy!
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