Apr 28, 2011 15:45
The president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in telephone conversation with the prime minister of Japan Naoto Caen has presented condolences in connection with the heavy act of nature which has comprehended Japan. Conversation has taken place at the initiative of the Russian side.
Let's remind, earlier Medvedev already expressed соболезования in connection with earthquake in Japan: it has made a public statement and has directed to the prime minister of the country the telegramme.
During conversation of the head of two states also have discussed parametres of the help to the Japanese party.
It is informed that Dmitry Medvedev and Naoto Caen have agreed upon contacts at all levels to solve questions of possible additional assistance of the Russian side in connection with consequences of act of nature in Japan.
As informed «Actual comments», earlier gratitude to Russians for solidarity and assistance the ambassador of Japan in Russia has expressed Masaharu Kono.
Let's remind, right after act of nature in Japan Dmitry Medvedev has declared that «Russia is ready to render to Japan the necessary help in overcoming of consequences of the occurred tragedy».
Today the first group of the Russian rescuers by the plane Silt-76 of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia has arrived from Moscow to Japan.