Jul 11, 2005 21:21
well this weekend went by fast. it was a lot of fun too. the kamps were over (our families friends). my dad is in a band with the dad. and awe there kids were soo adorable. okay so they got here friday and we made pizza, danced/sung to laurens music haha. it was a lot of cuz i taught her copni joe (sp). haha. she loved it. and awe william the adorable little 5 year old kissed me on the checks a couple times. :) saturday we all went to frankenmuth which was a ton of fun. went of course went to broners and out to lunch. hehe. then when we got home i had to babysit and they were all playing basketball and i think they watched my sisters dance competition video. well i made a good amount of money and i happy about that cuz i really needed money. haha i still need more too. sunday we went out for breakfast to biffs, went to the mall and got some new things. heheh. i got 2 shirts and steph got one. then went to a park and played around. haha. i love to swing, it never gets boring or old. then we came home and hung out for a little while and then they left after we all took some pics. awe i miss them and i had a lot of fun with them. hehe. later on that night steph and i went over to caideys house to sleepover which was fun as usual except when steph got to sleep on the bed with caidey while i got the fucking floor. haha it was a lot of fun tho. steph and i left at 10am this morning cuz my mother wanted us up for some reason. then later on i hung out with sarah at her house, then went to mcdonalds, back to her house and then i had to go home cuz she had to go somewhere. when i got home i just talked online until sarah called me and we hung out again and then kathryn came over and we went to taco bell. before taco bell we all watched "raising helen" which was an amazing movie. i loved it. oh and at taco bell lemme tell ya..a police officer and mexicans were checking us out so we decided to make it interesting and start putting our fingers in the nacos cheese and lick the cheese off of our fingers. haha it was great. then i had to go home. when i got home i called greg and then went online. yep thats what im doing now. wow im retarded. tomorrow morning i have cheer practice. and then i might be hanging out with caidey and greg, but im not sure. well thats all i have to say talk to you all later. bye.
<3 jenna