isn't the weather magnificent! i love thunder and lightning.
it's beautiful and i'm so glad i got to wear a jumper, woo.
although, i'm still getting horrific dizzy spells, and i feel really ill.
i'm not sure what's wrong with me, i've had them since tuesday evening/wednesday morning. i'm pretty worried because i'm going camping on saturday and if i'm not feeling great, sleeping open won't help.
i've been re-doing the website and Alex has helped me move it to which is really very nice of him. freewebs has becme increasingly unreliable and such. meh, headaches.
he also taught me how to batch resize and border etc. such a useful tool as resizing and bordering is tedious and boring and not what i intend to spend my weekends and nights in doing.
i dyed my hair today, and i like it. it's gone a rather soft reddish pinky black. sadly, it's not curling anymore. daaaayum.
i really want a shisha so me and Max and Loroose are going to buy one and have a shisha party for when the Germs come over for their part of the exchange. this isn't making much sense... i have a headaaaaccchhhheeee!