Back From ConFuzzled

May 09, 2010 20:19

Now that I'm finished attending this year's ConFuzzled, I'm pleased tell everyone how it went! First of all, I only attended on two days for various reasons, but I chose to go on Friday and Saturday, since they both had the most appropriate scheduled events for me.

On Friday, I got there in the afternoon, just before registration. Trouble was, they ended up having to delay registration, and I queued up for what seemed like hours. But once that was over, it was nice to meet up with James The Dog and Entei-Rah again. It was also an honour to meet Keenyfox, one of my favourite furry artists, in person for the first time. He was friendly and I enjoyed talking with him, plus he showed me and James what he'd been working on. At the Opening Ceremony, we were introduced to the Guest of Honour, TaniDaReal. After that, I decided to go to the First Convention session hosted by Uncle Kage. He could well be the world's most entertaining scientist! Later on, I had quite a lot of fun in the Wikifur Pub Quiz, where I managed to help out with some of the the nerdier questions.

I got there again in the morning on the next day. Early on that day, I attended the Colouring and Cartoon workshops. While I don't expect to have become a top-level artist in one day, both workshops provided some useful ideas for me. I also spent some time in the Dealer's Den. Despite being under the impression that porn wouldn't be allowed at the convention beforehand, I ended up spotting a variety of unmentionable stuff on display there. I think according to LevLion (who was one of the staff), they at least were trying to discourage it. On a more positive note, I did get a hug from a fursuiter while I was in there! Later on in the afternoon, I went to the Furrylimpics, where they had fursuiters compete in a selection of games. It was fun to watch, the participants put on quite a humourous performance. Finally, I went to see a special puppet show, entitled, "PawPets II: Shock & D'aww" and split into three acts. It was really funny, and the characters were pretty cute too. Unfortunately, the show had been delayed, meaning that I only saw the first act since I had to leave before it ended. I wish I could've seen the rest of it.

Anyway, despite a few problems, ConFuzzled was the most enjoyable experience I've had in a long time. It certainly exceeded my expectations, though admittedly I mostly wasn't sure what to expect! I also felt like I was part of something special, which is pretty rare for me. For next year, I'm seriously considering a residential membership...


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