Tagged by knaveofhearts

Dec 25, 2005 22:08

Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

Wow - I have a lot of trouble with this meme too, which to my mind makes it a worthwhile endeavor. You see, I really am not all that quirky -- everyone else is............

1. I smell everything. Hand me a bowl of refined sugar and I am likely to give it the nasal once-over. Evidently I have done this for as long as my mother can remember. I do recall one time when either she or my grandmother handed me a bowl of freshly-grated horseradish. From that I learned an important lesson: take a gentle whiff first.

2. I _like_ Christmas carols. Correction -- I love them. The more old-fashioned the treatment the better. The only renditions right up there with the MoTabs' would be those of various opera singers. Best of all, when I'm in just the right mood, is my Jim Nabors Christmas Album.

2.5 In a related quirk, disco never died for me.

3. I cannot STAND it when people expect others to endure the sights and especially the sounds of whatever it is they are masticating; in the case of gum going stale or some of the newer extraordinarily powerful chewing gums, the smell as well. On the one hand, I know of no one who finds it charming when others chew with their lips open. At BEST people are more or less indifferent. So may I really count this as a quirk? I think so, because few seem to be as annoyed by it as I am. Either that, or their endurance is better.

4. I like to play physical sports. I would LOVE to get a good game of killerball going at some con, or field a couple of teams of 6-person indoor volleyball. I may not be as agile as I used to be, but that has not diminished my enthusiasm. This may be a quirk only in a geeky/fannish community, but since that is my community, it counts.

5. When undressing, I am likely to kick the article up into the air and either catch it or bat it into the clothes hamper on the way down. Why take the time and effort to bend over when I do it more quickly this way, and play a quick game of softball or catch to boot? I generally miss the ceiling fan blades...

I tag cangmom, redrob, tiggerypum, ca_snowflake, and caffiene_fiend.
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