...and that rhymes with "T" which stands for Terrific!!!

Sep 13, 2004 18:31

On August 29th the kids and I were delighted to be the guests of caffiene_fiend for a performance of "The Music Man" put on by the Neighborhood Community Theater at the Neighborhood Church (yes, that's its name) in Castro Valley. What a performance!

We were running a little late in getting there - the church is an area-wide landmark, and you can't miss it. We didn't. But that doesn't mean you can't miss the entrance to it. Note to self: assume nothing. Mr. Fiend was waiting for us in the parking lot, quite dashing in his crew blacks and quite dashing us through the door. (Note to caffiene_fiend: black in dark parking lot.....hmmmmmm....) We got there seconds before the opening scene. The entire thing was performed outdoors in the round-ish, using about 145 degrees worth of semi-circle enclosing the audience, and it was done to nice effect.

The performance was for the most part polished with just a few little "oopsies" from the orchestra. I particularly enjoyed the performances of the Harold and of the train ensemble. The train group were right dead on, and made it look easy. Harold...what a dirtbag! But a dirtbag with a heart, eventually. The perfect forgiveness provided by the librarian worked its magic and everyone lived happily ever after. This Harold made you care, and made you happy that "ever after" included him.

As caffiene_fiend promised in his post, the religious content was minimal, with only a few remarks by the pastor, with no one left feeling as though they were damned and going to hell.

Afterwards, we were treated to a tour of the grounds, including a magnificent pipe organ, a ride on the hydraulic stage lift, and an opportunity to sing a quick greeting aus "theurer Halle", and what a hall it is. I'd sing there in a heartbeat. (HINT HINT HINT:)

Next time caffiene_fiend: posts an invite, I urge you all to check it out. I'll be there!
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