Apr 03, 2007 17:56
So Boston was lots of fun despite Dillon getting so smashed he didn't know where he was and fell into his trash can =P
Filene's Basement is like my new mecca. It's like Wal-Mart but with designer clothes. I got two really cute pairs of jeans (7 for all Mankind and J & Company) there for way less than they would normally cost which of course made me happy. And I got a cool new leopard print bag there too. And we went to H&M where I got a new black leather jacket. It's kinda bomber style and I've been looking for one just like it for forever. Dillon says the store does crazy wedding dress sales in February where women camp out all night to get $500 dollar Vera Wangs.
And other good news is that the day after I got back home I got my first letter back from a law school. New York Law accepted me and offered me a $30,000 scholarship to go there. No idea what I'm doing yet until I hear back from other schools. I don't really know if I want to live in New York since I like my space, its really expensive and I don't really like the cold but Marvel is there and other big firms too and the shopping there would be really fun. I'm still leaning heavily towards San Diego but nothing is for sure.