Sep 06, 2004 22:19
This weekend was great, so lets start Friday after school:
Kara came and picked me up from school which was awesome cause I didnt have to take that retarded Mart bus and then I went to work and got out early. Then me and Alyssa walked home and she got her stuff to stay at my house and we ordered chinese food and were just super hyper and laughing at random stuff, like the word Zhu Rou(which is chinese for "pork" lol bet you didnt know that). Then Saturday morning I had to be at work for 6:30 a.m. which wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. Then I came home at 2:30 and Brianna called me and asked me if I wanted to go to her party she was having at her camp. It was fun cause I was over hyped up all night and I made a new buddy, Kyle who is so awesome. Then me, Brianna and Kyle were all watching SpongeBob Square Pants and we could not stop laughing. Then on Sunday, Kyle's little sister was having a birthday party and her parents got a moonwalk, so me, Brianna and kyle were all playing in it in the morning, it was funny. Then I had to go to work and when I got out I went to Amanda's and Amanda V. was there too!! So the three Amanda's all hung out and were just having a good time. Then on Monday morning Amanda U. wakes me up and says "wanna go apple picking?!?!" so we decide to go at 11:00. we had so much fun!! (if you wanna see pictures of us go to ) we saw a snake and Amanda U. screamed and then we were petting the animals and I made a friend named Bob, he's a turkey lol. Then we got some good apple farm food and left. when we were at home amknig food, the other Amanda's tried to get me with shaving cream but missed and ended up getting it all over them hehehe!! Then unfortunatly I had to go to work, but it wasnt bad cause Chrissy was back from Maryland, and Alyssa was woeking too! Then Amanda U. picked me up and her mom made Apple Pie a La Mode, it was great!! So yeah I can say this weekend has definatly been the best time ever!! I feel so incredibly happy. But it's 10:30 and I'm gonna go to sleep, but I don't have to get up early cause ALyssa G. and Chrissy are gonna give me a ride tomorrow!! nice